Guide: First Serverless Project

Let’s learn about the Serverless Framework!

Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru



What is the purpose of this article?

To quickly get up and running with the Serverless Framework. During this article, you will learn how to deploy code and resources to AWS using the Serverless Framework. These resources could be any AWS service which your application needs to run (e.g. databases, cloud functions, REST API’s).

What is Serverless Framework?

The Serverless Framework is a way to quickly deploy resources to AWS and grow your applications as they evolve while being able to easily tear down the entire application and redeploy. The normal pattern would be to deploy your application to test, dev, and prod stages. Thereby allowing your development team to be able to have a consistently working version while they make changes and break things in the dev environment. Leaving your test environment for CICD pipelines for doing things like canary deploys.

Why should I care?

Because the Serverless Framework is by definition infrastructure as code. Meaning by running a simple command in the terminal you can spin up everything required to make your application run. No more manual human intervention. Once it’s put together and connected you never need to worry about a lever not being pulled…



Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru

We can help you migrate to serverless, build serverless applications, and train your team on serverless best practices.