Mistakes to Sidestep When Going For A Serverless Design

Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru
Published in
5 min readOct 14, 2020


Moving on from legacy monolithic coding patterns to a distributed micro-service design approach can get tricky. You can’t possibly account for all complications that might happen, but arming yourself with basic knowledge can significantly help your serverless journey. Let’s explore certain prime areas of focus when moving to serverless.

Function Design:

Breaking down a giant application into individual functions that perform only one specific task is the mantra for serverless design, but determining which service deserves its independent function is key.

Points to consider when designing functions:

1. Understand your function’s use with reference to the end user’s interaction. Does it perform a singular, efficient task that serves its role in the overall scheme? A SRP (Single Responsibility Principle) design approach should be your aim.

2. Gauge the performance of a function as it integrates with the entire system. A function that overall does little can end up costing as much as a function programmed for a more complex task. Serverless billing is based on compute time, not how simple the function is. Avoid splitting up of services into smaller functions that offer little value.



Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru

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