Serverless end-to-end tracing, troubleshooting & performance monitoring with Lumigo

Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru
Published in
6 min readJul 20, 2020


Lumigo is a platform that primarily focuses on debugging distributed serverless applications on the AWS cloud. Services like X-ray from AWS do a pretty good job at tracing requests with your application but the support for event driven systems isn’t quite there yet. X-ray also falls short in terms of piecing up fragments of certain chained transactions inside serverless architectures because that requires you to navigate between Cloudwatch and X-ray to understand individual events.

Distributed applications are inherently complex, and because of that complexity, they have multiple points of failure. By tracing each and every request with respect to your functions, Lumigo aims to alleviate the process of finding faults and figuring out fixes when breakdowns occur in your serverless architecture. In addition to analyzing code issues and performance hiccups, Lumigo’s insights will allow you to plan the operational limits for your functions based on your usage, providing you a foundation to optimize costs. With Lumigo’s alerts, averting an impending system failure becomes possible as long as the right course of action is taken based on the insights.

We’ll explore how the platform works with a simple lambda function that converts an audio file to text using the AWS Transcribe service.



Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru

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