Serverless frontend application with CI/CD

Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru
Published in
6 min readOct 5, 2020


This article will explain how to host Angular/React/Vue frontend application on S3 with CI/CD pipeline that is configured using Serverless framework and CloudFormation. Full source code is provided on the GitHub.

How to host a static WebSite on S3?

In order to serve a static web site, we need a web server. AWS provides many different options to run a server but since we are Serverless Gurus, we are going to focus only on the serverless options available. S3 is an object storage service, which among other options, allows us to enable web site hosting on the bucket. This means that we don’t need to manage any server and that is exactly what we want.

If we are going to create a static website with vanilla HTML/CSS/JS we can just upload our files to S3. However, if we want to use one of the currently popular frameworks (Angular, React or Vue), then there is a build step required in between writing code and deploying to the bucket.

What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

CI is one of the most important stages in the software development release process. When using a distributed version control system like Git, every team member works on its own copy of the main source code. After the developer finishes working on the new feature or…



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