Content Strategy for 2017

Andy Gambles
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2017
Brigitte Tohm

As we welcome in 2017 I have been taking a look at the content published by Servertastic.

You might describe our efforts here on Medium as that buzzword thing “content marketing” and you would be sort of correct. Articles are published to help create awareness of Servertastic and where applicable link to our products and services.

But the web is now awash with “content marketing” and “7 things to improve x”. I do not see it being worth our time creating articles such as these. Nor do I see it as being worth our customers time reading them. There are many other websites that produce excellent content and cater for specific needs such as SEO, Adwords, Web Design, Email Marketing etc.

Instead the plan is to focus content on things that our customers are most likely to be interested in rather than try to target non-customers.

Stories will focus on content around 4 specific areas:

  • HTTPS — Hopefully self explanatory. Anything to do with HTTPS
  • Browsers — As a key piece of software for using the web and HTTPS we will include articles about browser updates and how they could impact you and your website.
  • Web Security — To cover topics that extend beyond just HTTPS.
  • Servertastic — Anything about Servertastic including running the business, things we have learnt, news and updates. These stories may be more general and long form.

Stories should be succinct and contain useful information. Where relevant they will link to more authoritative sources allowing you to follow up if you feel as though you need more details. This also means we may be publishing less during 2017, unless of course it is a big year for HTTPS!



Andy Gambles

Tech, Web Security, Business, Marketing, Housing Board Director.