Day 12: The Path to Participation

Niclas Ljungberg
Service Design Advent Calendar
2 min readDec 12, 2021

From our previous PPT to PTP, my old and (mostly) wise friend Steve Heron who used to help clients through co-creation at IDEO for a long time, would like to share two simple slides.

I say slides, we usually get quite physical in the work we do together. No need to call HR, physical as in producing things that can actually go on the wall in terms of say mini posters for the team or the serendipitous colleague walking by. Or turned into large playing cards and handed out for some stimulating discussions. We did some quite interesting stuff on Risk Culture a couple years ago like that.

We used to say at Razorfish when I worked there 20 years ago that ‘everything that can be digital, will be.’ Today, everyone talks about and strives for digital, yet not everything will be digital (metaverse or not).

Needless to say, there is something satisfyingly non-replicable about a shared physical focal point, of the tangibility and presence, of the shared moment in staring at the same object in the same space. You know what I mean.

Anyways, enough of me. Consider the following…

And if you try it let me know. And let Steve know.



Niclas Ljungberg
Service Design Advent Calendar

Norse knowledge nomad, curious problem solver, philosopher & story teller, explorer of blank pages & patterns, hybrid strategist & service/business designer.