Think like a lawyer, write like a poet

Jason Mesut
Service Design Advent Calendar
2 min readDec 18, 2021

Majid Iqbal sets a Structural Aptitude test for the committed service designers out there

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

As Niclas suggested in his first post for this Service Design Calendar, we would try to curate the contributors, and not the content. I didn’t always stick to that rule when I saw interesting content and thought it would be a great addition to this collection.

One of the people I had to reach out to for a more eclectic perspective, was Majid Iqbal. Majid brings a set of ever-evolving alternative perspectives to the field of service design.

A spread from Thinking in Services

His book ‘Thinking in Services’ is a brilliantly different take on how we can think about services. Using more of a mathematic, architectural approach to decoding the patterns in a service, it focuses a little more on the systemic structures of a service rather than the process to design one. As a result, it isn’t known as one of the most accessible texts in the field. Knowing Majid a little, I don’t think he is that worried about that. Not everything has to be easy to be good.

Anyway, I urge you to consider Majid’s book, one of his courses, and his various explorations. He is continually developing his ideas, putting them into practice and revising them.

So… probably the most eclectic contribution we’ve had so far (we do have a poem coming, so who knows if it will win that prize), Majid has shared with us a test.

The Structural Aptitude Test’ — Measuring the ability to “think like a lawyer, write like a poet”. Check out his intro and the test itself here.

Not for the faint-hearted. Please let us know how you get on. I’m not sure i’m well enough (tested positive for COVID a few days ago) or able to carve enough time out just yet to have a go myself.

Good luck.



Jason Mesut
Service Design Advent Calendar

I help people and organizations navigate their uncertain futures. Through coaching, futures, design and innovation consulting.