Service design 2020

Ranu Karanpuria
Service Design 2020
3 min readMar 17, 2020

Team 5 : Jinyi, Ranu, Connor

Initial concept storyboards

Refined concept storyboard:

1. Meal box
2. Community intercultural cooking
3. Who's got what?
4. Free recipe

Post on Canvas your (draft) service statement, as well as a paragraph or two that takes stock of your project:

__COOKIT__ is a service that provides / offers a community expanding cooking experience and an opportunity to engage in new cultures, unlike Blue Apron, which provides/offers cooking experiences and predictable cuisine.

Zoom Notes 3/16/2020

  • Move through a third party (whole foods/amazon? Airbnb?)
  • Secret Santa format
  • Reducing food waste — specific ingredient portion packaging
  • Orders can be taken worldwide, leverage Amazon fulfillment centers
  • Leverage degrees of network, mutual friends between senders
  • Opportunity for role of mutual friend/connection
  • Intercultural expansion balanced with social expansion

What has your team done?

We’ve defined key moments in the journey map and begun initial storyboarding. A SWOT analysis of all concepts was conducted, which narrowed the ideas down to the design space of a meal box experience.

What questions do you have?

Given the current circumstances, we are curious as to how the final deliverables for the service proposal might change, such as the video. We are also wondering the extent to which we should address the legal liabilities that could arise from a food service.

What research do you need to do?

More research should be conducted on how people already order food online, from onboarding to delivery. We also need to research fulfillment center logistics for food, and how they would differ from non-perishables. The laws regarding potential mistakes in this process should be addressed.

Which partners/related services will you need to research?

We will need to research Whole Foods and AirBnB as potential partners. Blue Apron and Hello Fresh are existing related services to be better understood as well.

What users will you need to find? Where might they be (companies, organizations, groups, etc.)

Because we are looking to leverage pre-existing networks, users may come from any background or organization. Spaces of interest include neighborhoods, schools, and workspaces.

Where will you be going next when you’re back from break?

We will develop refined storyboards and begin to narrow down user spaces. Better understand the two journeys, both offering and receiving a recipe.

Write a note to read when you return in a week about your top 3 next actions.

  • Refine storyboards
  • Research existing related services

