Data and Our Service

4/8 — Update


After finalizing our service, we began to think about the data we can acquire from our users at various touchpoints. We were specifically interested in what data we could acquire at the consultations and at home (through the hotline or website). We also considered the data we could acquire through external APIs or other methods.

Data Acquired At Consultations (Through a Questionnaire or Conversation)

  • Do you have animals at home?
  • Is the child sensitive to sulfites, food preservatives, aspirin, or food dyes?
  • Is the child allergic to foods such as nuts, chocolate, eggs, orange juice, fish, milk, or peanut butter?
  • Is the child in the vicinity of tobacco smoke?
  • Is the child in the presence of cloth upholstered furniture?
  • Is the child in the presence of carpets, brooms, or dusters?
  • Is the child in the presence of vacuum cleaners without air filters?
  • Is the child in the presence of wood-burning stoves?
  • Is the child in the presence of unvented gas/kerosene heaters?
  • Does the child exercise in cold weather?
  • Does the child regularly lay down?
  • Does the child regularly experience accumulating mucus?
  • Is the child in the presence of wood products, metals/metal fumes?
  • Is the child in the presence of cotton, flax, or hemp?
  • Is the child in the presence of chemicals in paints?
  • Is the child in the presence of cleaning products, dust from wood, flour, or latex gloves?
  • Is the child in the presence of industrial chemicals vapors from cleaning products, paint, or paint thinner?
  • Is the child in the presence of sprays from furniture polish, starch, or cleaners spray deodorants?
  • Is the child in the presence of perfumes, hair sprays, vapors from furnishings, or pesticide sprays?
  • Is the child in the presence of incenses or scented candles?
  • Is the child in the presence of chalk dust?

Data Acquired At Home

  • Does the child have a cold?
  • Does the child have the flu?
  • Does the child have bronchitis?
  • Does the child have tonsillitis?
  • Does the child have sinusitis?
  • Does the child have a cough?
  • Does the child have heartburn?
  • Does the child have acid reflux disease?

Data We Acquire

  • What is the pollen count for the day?
  • How is traffic in the area?
  • What are the smog levels in the area?
  • Is there cold air in the area?
  • Is the area undergoing weather changes?
  • How humid is the area?

3/29 — Original Post

To begin exploring how we can involve data into our service, we compiled a list of possible asthma triggers. We then looked into how accessible information regarding these triggers were and whether we could access that information from external services or would need to involve our services’ participants.

  • Pollen: Could be acquired from external sources. Small effort.
  • Mold: Not aware of way to acquire from external sources. Could be too sensitive to acquire from internal sources. Large effort.
  • Animals: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Dust Mites: Not aware of way to acquire from external sources. Could be too sensitive to acquire from internal sources. Large effort.
  • Insects (Roaches): Not aware of way to acquire from external sources. Could be too sensitive to acquire from internal sources. Large effort.
  • Sensitivity to sulfites, food preservatives, aspirin, or food dyes: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Foods such as nuts, chocolate, eggs, orange juice, fish, milk, and peanut butter: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Colds: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Flu: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Bronchitis: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Tonsillitis: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Sinusitis: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Coughing: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Heartburn: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Acid Reflux Disease: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Tobacco Smoke: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Cloth Upholstered Furniture and Carpets: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Brooms and Dusters: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Vacuum Cleaners Without Air Filters: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Traffic: Could be acquired from external sources. Small effort.
  • Smoke Filled Rooms: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Wood Burning Stoves: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Unvented Gas/Kerosene Heaters: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Ozone/Smog: Could be acquired from external sources. Small effort.
  • Nitrogen Oxides: Could be acquired from internal sources. Large effort.
  • Sulfur Dioxide: Could be acquired from internal sources. Large effort.
  • Cold Air: Could be acquired from external sources. Small effort.
  • Weather Changes: Could be acquired from external sources. Small effort.
  • Humidity: Could be acquired from external sources. Small effort.
  • Exercise in Cold Weather: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Lying Down: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Accumulating Mucus: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Fear: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Anger: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Frustration: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Laughing/Crying: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Depression: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Stress: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Wood Products: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Metals/Metal Fumes: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Cotton, Flax, and Hemp: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Mold On or In Decaying Hay: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Chemicals in Paints, Cleaning Products: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Dust From Wood, Flour, Latex Gloves: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Industrial Chemicals: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Vapors from Cleaning Products, Paint, Paint Thinner: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Sprays from Furniture Polish, Starch, Cleaners: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Spray Deodorants, Perfumes, Hair Sprays: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Vapors from Furnishings: Could be acquired from internal sources. Large effort.
  • Pesticide Sprays: Could be acquired from internal sources. Medium effort.
  • Incense and Scented Candles: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.
  • Chalk Dust: Could be acquired from internal sources. Small effort.

