Service Brainstorm

After coming back from Spring Break, our team reviewed our previous research and began to brainstorm.

During the brainstorming, we came up with several ideas we want to include in our service.

  • Our service should be proactive, preventive, personalized, and educational.
  • Our service should involve the collection of data. We continue to explore how the asthma-related data will be collected and if we can achieve this through a wearable, screen-based touch points, at home, or at school. We also are exploring how often we will be able to collect this data.
  • Our service should involve the visualization of data. This data should be viewable to both the child and their parents. We will explore different mediums (paper-based, screen-based, SMS messages) to display this data.
  • Our service should provide other information. The service should not only involve data, but involve in-person teaching. Participants should not only gain access to data, but also asthma management educational materials. This could be in the form of a toolkit for teachers or doctors.

We also came away from this brainstorm session with a number of questions.

  • How can we collect respiratory data from individuals and from groups?
  • What are some touch points we can actively engage school children?
  • What data sources can we utilize to paint a cohesive picture that can assist school children with managing their asthma?
  • What correlations currently exist between existing asthma-related data sources?

