Stakeholder Map — Revised

After refining our service proposition, we decided to update our stakeholder map accordingly. While our initial stakeholder map included all stakeholders potentially relevant for any type of asthma service, our new stakeholder map highlights only the stakeholders relevant for our service proposition.

For instance, the child and the child’s caregivers are still central to our service. However, since we are focusing on linking the medical community with other community resources, our updated stakeholder map does not encompass all of the education and business related stakeholders our initial map included. Additionally, since our service focuses on grandparents (or alternative caregivers) from lower socio-economic settings, the stakeholders we identified within community resources reflect the resources that grandparents identified as relevant to them, according to our interviews and secondary research.

Currently, our stakeholder map shows how a child and their caregivers in our target group interact separately with both the medical community as well as existing community resources. However, with our service, we hope to link the medical community with existing community resources such that community resources can facilitate interaction with the medical community directly.

