Value Flow Diagram

Our service revolves around five stakeholders and five touchpoints.


  • Grandparents (Alternative Caregivers)
  • Other Caregivers
  • Children
  • Doctors/Medical Residents
  • Community Organizations


  • Quarterly Consultations
  • Educational Material
  • Promotional Material
  • Hotline
  • Website

The exchanges within our service include:

  • Grandparents (Alternative Caregivers) attend the quarterly consultations to learn about and assess their minor’s health with medical professionals.
  • Alternative caregivers educate and provide their minors with tools to manage their asthma.
  • A website and hotline helps caregivers learn about their minor’s asthma. They also provide resources where caregivers can acquire more assistance.
  • Alternative caregivers who have attended a consultation educate and tell other caregivers about the consultations.
  • Community organizations provide space and promote the quarterly consultations.
  • Doctors/medical residents attend and provide expertise at the quarterly consultations.

