Community Partner Spotlight: Downtown Streets Team

Working weekly alongside the San Rafael DST Team Members who beautify the streets in Downtown San Rafael and in the Canal neighborhood, Dominican Service-Learners are immersed in DST’s model of empowering and dignifying team members who are unhoused or precariously housed. Downtown Streets Team (DST) operates in 20 communities across Northern and Central California to provide homeless and low-income men and women with the resources they need to rebuild their lives.

Structured as 1-year transitional program, DST gradually move the Team Members from homelessness or housing insecurity into permanent housing and employment. First, the Team Members volunteer on one of the DST teams and begin working collaboratively on beautification projects. Those who show dedication and leadership skills have the ability to rise up to become Team Leads, then Managers, and supervise others with little or no supervision from staff. In return, Team Members receive a non-cash stipend to help cover their basic needs, while taking advantage of DST case management and employment services to find housing and a job. DST’s ultimate goal is to transition Team Members into employment because having a job restores hope and opens the door to other opportunities.

In the Spring 2023 semester, six students enrolled in service-learning classes, engaged with DST’s Downtown San Rafael Team and one student with the Canal Team.

Jonah Ridgely, a student in Dr. Laura Stiver’s Ethics of Housing & Homeless class had a powerful experience participating in DST street beautification. He had many conversations with Team Members, especially Willie. After learning more about Willie’s challenging journey with homelessness despite continuous attempts to “pull himself up by the food straps”, Jonah reflects,

“I was immediately impressed with Willie’s resilience in the face of adversity. He is a hard worker and a good team leader. He is also funny, easy to talk to, and has been very welcoming towards me. I often think of the homeless community as being victims of a flawed system and forget to recognize that they possess incredible perseverance. In many cases people who are oppressed exhibit strength in the way they navigate through the hardships of their situations while maintaining an attitude of kindness and optimism.” (GivePulse Impact, 4/26/2023)

Jonah shares more of what he learned this semester in the following presentation at the S23 Service-Learning Symposium:

