
Meeting entrepreneurs and startups at @SmaaashLive to learn, share knowledge over beers…Limited Seats only.

Service Scape


In 2012-13 I had blogged about wanting to meet and learn what makes entrepreneurs and startups tick. I met more than 35+ across couple of cities and blogged about the learnings. In the intervening period, some of them have gone back to working or migrated or are still around.

However, there have been a lot of changes, many more have turned entrepreneurs and have reached out to meet. There are different forums, unfortunately I have not been able to be present at such forums.

So, this invite about #EntrepreneursAtSmaaash comes from the bet, offer and availing of the offer. This has been documented on this platform earlier also.

Here is how it rolls:

  1. There are 30+ tickets on Instamojo where you can reserve.
  2. These are free with no T&C attached.
  3. The only condition is that if you avail, then you attend, not doing so means BL.
  4. One person, One ticket.
  5. No payment to meet me, try out some F&B, share learnings.

Yes, Ideal if you can help spread the word so we close the 20 seats ;) And maybe swarm on the 29th..

I look forward to meeting you.

Update 9.38 pm 22nd May 2014: I have deleted those who had claimed double and hence will open for 4 more bookings. GO CLAIM THEM at https://www.instamojo.com/anaggh/entrepreneursatsmaaash/

Final Update 11.45 am 29th May 2014: Cancellations and hence bookings reopened. GO CLAIM NOW https://www.instamojo.com/anaggh/final-entrepreneursatsmaaash/



Service Scape

Been there. Done that. People watcher. Mindcaster. Appreciates single malt, food. Now Entrepreneur by choice. Employee by attitude.