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Embracing the change towards service design

Part two in: Mastering the Journey from Product Design to Service Design

Colin Preston
Published in
6 min readAug 4, 2023


Let’s dive deep into the evolving product design landscape 🚀

In recent years, we’ve seen a massive shift in the design world towards a more holistic approach that includes the entire service experience. This is where service design comes into play. It’s all about creating seamless and meaningful experiences for customers across various touch points and interactions, taking into account both front stage and back stage elements, as well as internal organisational changes. So, if you’re a product designer looking to level up your game, transitioning into service design might be just the thing for you!

As a product designer looking to transition into service design, you’ll need to broaden your perspective beyond individual products and consider the entire service ecosystem. This includes understanding the front stage, back stage, and internal change dynamics that influence the customer experience. By embracing this holistic approach, you can contribute to creating exceptional service experiences that meet the evolving needs and expectations of customers in an increasingly interconnected world.

Why service design is on the rise 🌟

There are a few reasons why product designers are finding themselves working with thinking about service design programs nowadays:

Interconnectedness of products and services: Many products are now part of broader service systems where they interact with other products, technologies, and human touch points. For example, a smart home device not only functions as a standalone product but also integrates with other devices, platforms, and services to provide a comprehensive home automation experience. Service design focuses on understanding and improving these interconnected systems to enhance overall user experiences.

Experience economy: Customers want immersive, personalised, and memorable experiences, not just functional products. They no longer judge a product solely based on its features or aesthetics; they evaluate it based on the entire experience surrounding it. Service design helps create emotionally resonant experiences that foster long-term customer loyalty and differentiate organisations from their competitors.

Customer-centricity: Understanding customer needs, motivations, and pain points is crucial to designing services that truly resonate. Service designers use research methods like ethnographic studies, user interviews, and co-creation sessions to gain deep insights into customer behaviours and preferences. These insights inform the design process and enable the creation of tailored experiences that meet customers’ evolving expectations.

As service design gains recognition and popularity, organisations across various industries are embracing its principles and methodologies. Companies are establishing dedicated service design teams or integrating service design into existing design departments. Design agencies are expanding their offerings to include service design as a core competency. This growing adoption is a testament to the value and impact of service design in creating successful and differentiated customer experiences.

Embracing service design as a product designer 💡

As a product designer, you already have a strong foundation in design thinking and problem-solving. But to transition into service design, you’ll need to:

Shift your mindset: Move from focusing on individual products to considering the entire service ecosystem. Recognise that products are often just one element of a larger system that includes interactions, processes, and people. Go beyond designing tangible artefacts to encompass the design of intangible elements such as communication channels, customer support, and user interfaces.

Expand your skillset: Develop a deep understanding of customer journeys, touch points, and the interconnections between various stakeholders, internal processes, systems, and service providers. Learn to employ research methods such as ethnographic studies, user interviews, and co-creation sessions to gain deep insights into customer behaviours and preferences.

Collaborate and communicate: Work closely with diverse teams, such as marketing, operations, and customer support, to ensure the seamless integration of products and services. Foster collaboration across different teams and departments by managing resistance to change and drawing from lean principles.

The opportunity service design presents 🌈

By making the leap from product design to service design, you can:

Shape the future of design: As services become increasingly interconnected and integral to our daily lives, designers who can think beyond individual products will be in high demand. By adopting a service design mindset, you can influence the way organisations approach design, innovate, and deliver exceptional experiences to customers.

Contribute to advancing the field: Your experience in designing physical and digital artefacts can enrich service design processes, providing insights into the integration of tangible and intangible elements. As service design continues to evolve, product designers can contribute to the development of new methodologies, tools, and frameworks that bridge the gap between product and service disciplines.

Embrace a more collaborative and cross-functional approach: Service design often involves working closely with diverse teams to ensure the seamless integration of products and services. Product designers can bridge the gap between different functions and facilitate collaborative processes. Their ability to communicate design concepts effectively and advocate for user-centred solutions makes them valuable assets in cross-functional teams, ensuring that services are designed with a holistic understanding of the customer and business objectives.

The need for product designers to adapt 🌱

Product designers, who have traditionally focused on digital products, now face the challenge of adapting their skills and mindset to embrace the principles and methodologies of service design. As the boundaries between products and services continue to blur, product designers must expand their expertise to encompass the broader context in which their products exist.

This transition can be a transformative journey, but with the right guidance and resources, product designers can successfully navigate this change. By understanding the principles and practices of service design, product designers can leverage their existing skills and expand their toolkit to create exceptional service experiences that meet the evolving needs and expectations of customers.

Throughout this process, it’s essential to explore the fundamental differences between product design and service design, emphasising the importance of shifting from a narrow focus on individual products to a broader perspective that considers the entire service ecosystem.

Additionally, delving into the challenges and opportunities that arise during the organisational change process is crucial. Drawing from lean principles, it’s important to explore strategies for managing resistance to change and fostering collaboration across different teams and departments.

Developing the necessary mindset and skillset for service design is also vital. Embracing human-centred thinking, empathy, and systems thinking are essential for understanding the complex interactions and relationships within a service system.

To provide practical insights, examining case studies of organisations that have successfully made the transition from product design to service design can be invaluable. These examples showcase the strategies, techniques, and outcomes of their service design initiatives, offering inspiration and guidance for your own journey.

Finally, exploring how service design can be integrated into the existing product design process is essential. Highlighting the synergies between the two disciplines and offering practical approaches for collaboration and integration can help ensure a smooth transition and foster ongoing innovation in both fields.

Wrapping it up 🎁

So there you have it, folks! Transitioning from product design to service design can open up a whole new world of opportunities for you. By adopting a service design mindset, you can influence the way organisations approach design, innovate, and deliver exceptional experiences to customers. Plus, you’ll be contributing to the development of new methodologies, tools, and frameworks that bridge the gap between product and service disciplines. Sounds like a win-win, right? 😉

As a product designer, you already possess many of the skills and knowledge needed to excel in service design. By embracing this new discipline, you can not only enhance your professional capabilities but also contribute to the creation of more holistic and impactful experiences for customers in an increasingly service-oriented world.

Remember, the key to success in this transition lies in shifting your mindset, expanding your skillset, and embracing collaboration and communication. With dedication and persistence, you can make a significant impact in the world of service design and shape the future of design itself.

So go ahead, take the leap, and embark on this exciting journey of transitioning from product design to service design. Your future self will thank you for it! 🌟



Colin Preston
Editor for

A Product & Service Design Director, helping orgs to design & deliver services and CX at Code Computerlove