Satori Lab to Service Works

Jo Carter
Service Works
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2020

It’s time for a change!

We’ve been known as Satori Lab for the last 6 years, but it’s time for a re-fresh and re-brand — to something which ‘says what we do on the tin’.

It’s the same company, with a lick of fresh paint.

We Are Service Works logo

With Esko departing for Finland (and continuing the Satori Lab brand from there) and Ben to Data Orchard, we’ve had a re-think about the company, it’s purpose and the way we work.

At Service Works we have assembled a group of expert partners to offer consultancy, training and workshops to help organisations make services work.

No one plans a bad service. But designing good ones takes the right approach, skills and methods to keep the focus on your users and their needs. Design thinking gives you the mindset and tools you need to think differently and transform services for the 21st century.


Take a look at our new website and sign up to our newsletter or get in touch

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Jo Carter
Service Works

Founder of ServiceWorks - instigator of GovCamp Cymru * family * service design * travelling * music * dysgwraig