Love Services AND Your Clients

Statement of Work Automation
2 min readAug 30, 2017

In his article entitled Learn to Love Services, Aaron Ross makes some salient and logical points around why tech companies should embrace professional services as an excellent source of revenue.

He acknowledges early stage company concerns about the lack of scalability of a professional services offering, as well as the unseemliness of charging for something in addition to your SaaS contract, but then goes on to argue that enterprise clients want to outsource as much of their change management as possible and that it’s usually expected and budgeted.

Mr. Ross explains that if you don’t charge, you will probably wind up doing the work anyway and risk sending your client a message that you’re not “enterprise enough”. And finally, he highlights the fact that if less than 25% of your revenues are non-recurring, you are still considered a SaaS company, getting the same multiple on those non-recurring PS revenues.

Well, thank you Mr Ross!

We at WorkRails couldn’t agree more with Aaron’s thesis, especially since one of the goals of our platform is to help software companies deliver a better professional services experience to their clients. We have completely rethought the consultant engagement model and not only allow firms to offer end-to-end professional services as a feature of their applications, but also provide them with a commerce tool to sell these services.

“And what about scalability?”, you may ask. Our solution, by design, allows firms to scale both their internal and third party professional services ecosystem, all while generating pure margin revenue from those services, without directly charging their clients.

So, once again, thanks for the article Mr. Ross. The only thing we would like to change is the title. Software firms should love services AND their clients because with WorkRails, your clients will be winners too!

If you would like to learn more about the WorkRails platform, please check out our website and request a demo.



Statement of Work Automation

WorkRails enables software companies to automate and scale the building and selling of SOWs and integrates directly into Salesforce.