Chapters help Software Engineers break silos

Jonathan Appel
ServiceRocket Engineering
2 min readDec 8, 2023

By modifying chapters from the Spotify Squad model, Software Engineers at ServiceRocket can build connections across multiple offices and teams.

Photo by Tamas Pap on Unsplash

ServiceRocket has long benefited from the principles of the Spotify squad model of scaling agile. Our Engineers work in groups of approximately five engineers supported by an Engineering Manager (read ScrumMaster), a Product Manager, and a Designer who form the squad. We run chapters in areas of interest or specialization including Architecture, SecOps, Platform Engineering, and UX Design.

This structure has enabled us to create autonomous and accountable teams that scale our development efforts across three continents.

But all models come with drawbacks, and we initially faced challenges implementing chapters (not dissimilar to those described in this Chameleon blog)

Each chapter has a leader who acts as a formal line manager. This structure enables people to jump from one squad to the next and work on different initiatives without losing their manager and leader.

In our case, having members of a squad reporting to different managers made it difficult to keep the team accountable for its commitments. Chapter Leads would assign quarterly objectives to their members, distracting them from the commitments of their squads. This also had the side effect of discouraging engineers from joining chapters in the first place (because who wants to work two jobs but only get paid for one?).

With some changes to our chapter leadership, we were able to keep the benefits of a matrix structure while making reporting structures clearer. Our teams began to collaborate more and improve the inefficiencies that naturally follow from the siloed nature of a squad. In our case, these changes were to:

  • Remove the formal line manager from Chapters encouraging Chapter Leads to instead act as technical mentors in their area of specialization. Engineers now report to an Engineering Manager who also forms part of their squad.
  • Keep Chapter members within an assigned squad. No more scheduled rotation, unless there is a compelling reason to do so. We also spend time thinking about Tuckman’s stages of team formation.
  • Ensure Software Engineers know their main responsibility is to their squad and its backlog. They should focus on delivering value for Product Managers.
  • Encourage Chapter Leads to treat members like volunteers (who have full-time jobs with their squads). Chapters have become more like internal user groups or communities of practices that run once or twice a fortnight.
  • Lowering the barrier for those interested in starting a chapter. Enabling new leaders to grow their influence within the Engineering culture.

If you’re looking to learn more about the Spotify model for scaling agile, Atlassian has a helpful write-up to get you started —

