Anna Serwa Addei
Serwa’s Stories
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2016


F — E — A — R

I absolutely love acronyms! Especially those I make up myself. They were an amazing tool in getting through the chew and poor Ghanaian elementary school system. Don’t look at me that way, I know you used them too. You know, when you were learning the elements of the periodic table or the different parts of the stomach of a ruminant. Acronyms are cool, but they are even better when used in throwing more light on an already existing word like F.E.A.R.

I was literally stunned at the various ways in which this four letter acronym was interpreted at Shehive Accra about two weeks ago. Think about it, have you ever faced a situation that has caused you to F- forget E- everything A — and R- run (Anita Erskine, 2016)? I know I’ve been there before. The one thing I realized recently is the fact that I in fact have no real reason to be taking off in that manner because most of the time, I take off based on F- false E- evidence A- appearing R- real (Michelle Hammond, 2016). Crazy right? So what to do, what to do. This is what I’ve resolved recently. Every time I get afraid, I will P.A.U.S.E; P-postpone A-all actions U-until S-substantiation of E-evidence (Efia Serwa, 2016 [lol]).

Cause I realized something. It doesn’t make sense to act, if I’m not acting on credible evidence. Trust me, if you have an idea, plan, goal or something in that area, and you’re thinking of forgetting about it and running off because it may not work or you may fail, the first thing to understand is that the word ‘may’ makes your premise far from fact. Until you have real substantial evidence that that dream will not see the light of day, you have every reason to pursue it.

Trust me, if you have an idea, plan, goal or something in that area, and you’re thinking of forgetting about it and running off because it may not work or you may fail, the first thing to understand is that the word ‘may’ makes your premise far from fact.

If I were you, I would cut the chase of finding evidence and go to the only place I know I will get the good stuff. The hard core truth, the Bible, and from the little I know from there, my counter argument to all claims of fear thrown my way by the world is; ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!’ So toodles fear, your false evidence has been exposed!

#Week 3

