Anna Serwa Addei
Serwa’s Stories
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2016



You know the advent of mobile phones has come far when it’s the first thing you look for when you wake up in the morning. To all the “holico’s” out there who are questioning my spirituality because the bible isn’t the first thing I look for, just chill all right. I look for my phone to find out what time it is (seriously). The discussion about of whether picking up your phone first makes you any less of a Christian is one for another post.

I woke up one morning however, and my phone was nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere. On the bed, under the bed, on the table, under the table, in my locker, geez I would have looked under the locker too if it wasn’t fixed into the wall. After I had searched the room upside down, I settled with the idea of the phone having been stolen sometime during the previous night. Considering that my roommate and I forgot to lock our door before retiring to bed the night before, the idea seemed quite plausible. With that I set out to carry out the next task I usually embark on every day after checking the time; having my quiet time. Don’t be deceived I was neither calm nor collected about having lost my phone. You’re not reading a piece written by a “dada-ba” who would have a new phone delivered as quickly as it was lost. I knew I was probably going to have to go phone-less for a while but what even got to me the most was what my parents were going to think. How was I to explain how the phone got missing? What would they think of me (considering that I had smashed my laptop not too long ago)? Will they ever have the confidence to buy me any expensive gadget?

These are not exaggerations friends, I was filled with a lot of anxiety at this point, and of course the horror of the thought of going to have to block the old sim, get a new one and start building a library of contacts from scratch was not amusing. This didn’t last for long though. You know why? Yep, you guessed right. In a bid to get comfortable to start my quiet time, I placed my pillow on my lap and there tacked nicely into the side of the pillow case was my long lost Samsung phone (I know you just said “ahhhh…. It wasn’t even an iPhone”….. again, that’s a topic for another post). On a more serious note though, I must say I was surprised at the relief I felt, having found the phone. My heart seemed to have suddenly become at peace. Like that feeling of chilled water going down you throat on a sunny hot day in Accra.

Even more surprising to me was how aware I was of my initial anxiety and my present relief. I began to consider; what if I was half as concerned about lost souls as I was about my lost phone. In fact, what if Christians around the world were half as concerned about lost souls as we are when we lose a device. Cause if I am so concerned about what my earthly parents think about the misplacement of a phone and not even half as concerned about what my heavenly father thinks about lost souls, not as eager to find them as I am to find my phone, then I have a really big problem here.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit — Mathew 28:19

The great commission was not given to just the eleven, but indeed to each and every one of us Christians. We are to make disciples of work nations, school nations, boys boys nations, girls girls nations, you name them, God loves them, and wants to enter a personal relationship with them. You don’t need to go too far to find someone who needs to hear the good news. We know for a fact that until that trumpet blows, there will always be someone to tell. In fact, look closer, there may be someone nearer than you think who needs to hear about Jesus. No you’re not too old, too young, too short, too quiet or too loud to tell others about Him. You are just the right type of vessel He needs to get his message through.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s go tell’em!!

#Week 5

