Our journey to migrating our Defi App on the Telos blockchain Network

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2 min readDec 13, 2019

Sesacash was already deployed on another blockchain but the team was looking for an alternative chain to meet our needs for the next phase of the project. Around January 2019, the team made the decision to migrate our platform to Telos. There's a need to deploy a smart contract for decentralized multi-currency payments in Africa.

After making the decision, we began networking with the Telos community to understand what help we could get. One of the members of GoodBlock promised to offer us free RAM resources if we launched on Telos. But, there were bigger technical and architectural roadblocks to overcome in our migration quest. We had to maintain the existing app while building the new app. By March 2019, we had done all the high-level design needed for the migration. Our designer then started work on the new UI/UX for the new app. In May, everything was set and we started development.

For the old app, we allocated just one developer to maintain that app while we made our customers know of the new change in plans. We gradually phased out new customer signup on the old app and also limited the transactions that could be performed on the old app. We needed to do this to focus our attention on the new development. Three months later, we closed down the old app while the entire team focused on the new app development

We divided the app into components and adopted weekly sprints where we aspire to finish each module during the sprint period. We started by building the user management section and this took us a couple of weeks to complete. There are 4 key functions of Sesacash: Send money/payments, Withdraw money, Load money into your wallet (Topup) and the multi-currency Wallet, which allows you to store your money in any currency we support. Each of these was treated as separate modules and released for internal testing when completed.

By September 2019, we had finished with most of the modules and the smart contract. We started doing internal testing and also improving based on feedback from some users and the Telos Community. Also, we had to go through a smart contract audit process which also took as longer than expected.

In effect, it took us longer than expected but we wanted to make sure we got our smart contract right from the start. By November 11, we had done user testing on the testnet and were ready to do live testing on the mainnet. We knew at this stage things would go well and it surely did go well. We learned a lot through the different iterations we went through with our smart contract development. We went live on the Telos mainnet on 14th November 2019

You can read more about Sesacash here: https://sesacash.com/

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Sesacash is the easiest and fastest way to make micro-payments within Africa with ZERO fees.