A Secret Love — Back Then vs. Now

Sesame But Different
Sesame But Different
1 min readMay 2, 2020

A lesbian comic inspired by the Netflix documentary, “A Secret Love”.

Poppy and I watched A Secret Love on Netflix this week and were so moved by Terry and Pat’s beautiful story 🌈👭❤️ .

They met and fell in love back in 1947, in very different times, but lived a fulfilling and happy life together as “VERY good friends” to the outside world.

While there is still a long way to go for LGBTQ+ acceptance in many places, this reminded us of how grateful we are to the LGBTQ+ generations before us who helped pave the way 🙏🏻 .

We definitely recommend watching this documentary and make sure you have a tissue box (or a water-absorbent garment on), because it’s a tear-jerker 🤧🥰

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Originally published at https://sesamebutdifferent.com on May 2, 2020.



Sesame But Different
Sesame But Different

Full-time lesbian 🌈 and part-time artist 🎨 responsible for creating Sesame But Different, a lesbian slice-of-life webcomic about me and my girlfriend.