Top 5 Patient Frustrations With the Healthcare System

John Fontein
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2019

Top 5 Patient Frustrations With the Healthcare System

We all know that staying healthy is important, but many people do not regularly visit a healthcare professional. Often, it’s not so much a matter of not wanting or needing to visit a doctor as much as frustration with the current healthcare system. While there are many reasons that people feel frustrated with the system, here are five of the top reasons people get irritated by our current healthcare system.

Hard to Understand Bills

Healthcare bills can be so difficult to understand. Whether it’s the long list of items that all sound like the same thing or a bunch of services that make absolutely no sense, healthcare bills are a guessing game for most. If you can’t understand your bill, it’s hard to determine if you’re being accurately charged for the services you received. At times, it might even seem like you are being double or triple charged since you might get a hospital bill, a doctor bill, and an anesthesiologist bill. You might find yourself thinking, “Wait, didn’t I already pay for that?”

Health Insurance Costs

If you get health insurance directly through your work, you might not be concerned about how much you are paying for your health insurance. Even if the cost comes directly out of your paycheck, though, it can feel like you are paying a lot for services you never use. This can get frustrating, and you might wonder why you even have health insurance when the amount of money you put in isn’t worth the services you get out.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

People who don’t have health insurance often feel frustrated by how much money it costs to go to the doctor. Unfortunately, those who don’t have health insurance often don’t have it because they cannot afford the expense, which means that they may avoid an essential visit to the doctor simply because they are concerned with the cost.

Even those who do have health insurance, though, are often not exempt from paying high out-of-pocket expenses when they visit the doctor. Their deductible may be quite high, which may also lead to them putting off a visit to the doctor because it’s too expensive.

Long Wait Accompanied by Rushed Visit

Long waits for an appointment or at the doctor’s office can be incredibly frustrating. To make things worse, patients are often rushed through their visit. People want to feel like their doctor cares and has time for them. They want to feel like more than just a number. When their questions and concerns are not adequately addressed, they may feel unimportant or like their doctor doesn’t care. They may feel confused and want to avoid a future visit to the doctor.

Not Covered

For some people, one of the most frustrating aspects of the healthcare system is that services that they really need are not covered by their health insurance. Whether you need to see a specialist or you are looking to use a specific treatment, you should not have to skip important medical care simply because it’s not covered. Services that are not covered or that cost more than expected can create a serious financial burden for your family, adding to your frustration with healthcare in our country.



John Fontein
Editor for

Entrepreneur, Investor, Musician. Co-Founder @sesamecare. Habitual underachiever