ECoinmerce and SesameOpen Join Forces to Decentralize Commerce

SesameOpen Network
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2018

Retail commerce is ready to be disrupted through decentralization. Sellers face countless challenges in finding customers, engaging buyers, and encouraging repeat business. With centralized storefronts like Amazon and Alibaba capturing most of the profit margin while controlling product search results and communications with customers, most product vendors are left without a channel to easily grow their business.

ECoinmerce and SesameOpen share the belief that the blockchain and token economics provide a new way for commerce to function, giving vendors more control and better discoverability and rewarding the consumers and influencers who generate purchases. As part of the agreement, ECoinmerce will utilize the SesameOpen Network to expand their product sales channel beyond the ECoinmerce marketplace into the venue-curated storefronts enabled by the SesameOpen Protocol. As a result, ECoinmerce vendors will have the widest possible retail channel for their products.

In addition to the retail channel opportunity, ECoinmerce will become one of the first token projects to offer their token for sale through the SesameOpen Network. This represents a step forward in how token-backed blockchain projects can provide liquidity, either alongside or instead of a traditional exchange listing.

SesameOpen cofounder Henry He remarked, “We look forward to working with ECoinmerce not only to help their vendors reach more consumers and grow sales, but also to help ECoinmerce itself raise the funds they need to achieve their mission to decentralize commerce.” ECoinmerce COO, Rex Chen, added, “Joining the SesameOpen Network lets us expand the retail channel through which we can sell our vendors’ products, but as a company, it gives us an entirely new, decentralized way to get the token liquidity we need to run our business.”

Together, SesameOpen and ECoinmerce truly represent how new blockchain technology can change the face and structure of retail commerce. Visit to learn more about ECoinmerce’s platform, and join SesameOpen’s Telegram group at to stay informed about SesameOpen’s business and technical progress.

