Introducing the Commerce 3.0 Community Grant

SesameOpen Network
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2020

As we have discussed before, community is one of the defining characteristics of Commerce 3.0. Communities have always come together to conduct commerce transactions, but blockchain and token economics unlock even more benefits for those communities. Now, communities can not only earn more for every commerce transaction, but they can share ownership of the entire commerce network. That is the power of the token.

Today, we are excited to launch the Commerce 3.0 Community Grant program. This program is designed to encourage and support anyone who wants to contribute to the advancement of the community-oriented, community-owned, and community-operated Commerce 3.0 network. It will be a key pillar to fulfill the massive potential of the Commerce 3.0 vision and generate tremendous value to all token holders. The initial focus of this grant program is to use SesameOpen (SO) tokens as grants to attract and empower community members to step up as Community Leaders to grow their communities and encourage participation in the Raindrop program and Commerce 3.0.

Nearly every community needs a leader. The community comes together around them. They seek out opportunities to engage the whole community. And when it comes to commerce, they curate the products and services that are the best fit for the community, and help their community members get what they need.

The early Community Leaders as part of the Raindrop token drop did exactly that. They engaged their crypto communities, showed them the future of Commerce 3.0 and the value it unlocks, and helped them earn token rewards by connecting to the community smart contract and depositing token. This was the first time many of these community members engaged directly with a smart contract, and the Community Leaders were instrumental as pioneers of Commerce 3.0. Suffice it to say that we were impressed and proud of these first Community Leaders.

Anyone can apply for the grant at any time by filling out the application form. We will review submissions as they come in.

Use the application to set yourself apart, describing:

  • Your existing community or the community you are trying to build
  • How you will use SO token to grow your community and engage them about Raindrop and Commerce 3.0
  • How much SO token you are requesting
  • What success looks like

Here are the grant program details:

  • Applications can be submitted via the application form
  • There is no minimum or maximum grant size, but please justify your request
  • Grants will be considered in the order that we receive submissions
  • Your application information may be shared publicly within the SesameOpen community
  • There is no announced end date for the grant program

We look forward to seeing the creative ways that you can use a token grant in order to build and engage your communities. We are excited to support the continued growth of the Commerce 3.0 Network and the Community Leaders that are its backbone.

Let us know what you think and ask any questions in our Telegram group.

