SesameOpen: Bringing Fortune to Community Members

Brandon Bidlack
SesameOpen Network
Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2019

One of the most common questions that we get is “Where did the SesameOpen name come from?” As a result, we wanted to give our community insight into the thought process behind our name and the award-winning logo design that came from it.

When we were brainstorming project names, we came up with dozens of options related to commerce and community and crypto — some good and some bad, like “HiveCommerce” and “Wherehouse” and “Shopportunity” to name a few. As we pared down the list focusing on our core values of connectedness, sustainable growth, and openness, the name “SesameOpen” rose to the top for three primary reasons:

  1. We felt like “Sesame” evoked the sense of a seed sprouting and growing and spreading, which is how we envision our project as the decentralized commerce network grows.
  2. The “Open” part of our name described the importance that we place on being a transparent and universal project. We embrace the open source ethos of the crypto community. We have intentionally designed the SesameOpen protocol to be open to all types of products, all sellers, all communities, and all buyers.
  3. We liked the play on words with the more familiar “Open Sesame,” which was the magic phrase Ali Baba used to open the cave where untold treasures awaited. We think that the disruptive power of decentralization unlocks tremendous value in commerce, and the irony is not lost on us that Alibaba is one of the biggest centralized ecommerce players to be disrupted. We think our magic word will work on them!

After finalizing the name, our amazing designer Rick Byrne went to work. While thinking through the core logo design challenges like making it distinctive and attractive at different sizes, Rick also focused on giving it a sense of momentum and direction to denote the growth that the project represented.

After many sketches and revisions, the final design started to emerge. Rick did a great job creating the signature “S” out of three simple line components, representing the three parts of the SesameOpen network: buyers, sellers, and communities. Further, by using a color gradient from darker to lighter, Rick gave the logo that sense of motion and direction that make it come alive on the page.

We’re not the only ones who love the SesameOpen logo and what it stands for. For his work, Rick was a 2018 Silver Winner at the Indigo Design Awards. The Indigo Design Awards celebrate the trail-blazers at the cutting edge of design, and we couldn’t think of a better recipient than Rick for his incredible SesameOpen logo.

SesameOpen’s token sale begins October 16th at Dcoin Exchange.

Until then, earn up to $200 in free token by inviting members to our Telegram group.

