SesameOpen Provides the Critical Infrastructure for Commerce 3.0

SesameOpen Network
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2019

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing a number of industries, but the most disruptive innovation it has brought is a new, token-based business model that fundamentally changes the cost and ownership structure of markets. As SesameOpen cofounder Henry He wrote about in his CoinMarketCap article, that token-based model ushers in Commerce 3.0 — a new era for the commerce industry characterized by a decentralized network of community-owned and operated marketplaces in which the entire network (communities, buyers, and sellers) shares in the value created. As Commerce 3.0 begins, SesameOpen stands ready to provide the infrastructure to ensure the community’s success.

What Is Commerce 3.0?

Most of commerce history has been defined by physical stores selling to a local community, trying to maximize profits for that store owner. This was Commerce 1.0. In the 1990’s, the Internet disrupted commerce by enabling a low-price business model that has allowed online retailers to slowly but steadily steal consumers from physical retail. With that, ecommerce became Commerce 2.0. Scale has become the dominant strategy to maintain low prices and profitability, so we have ended up with large, centralized storefronts like Amazon and Alibaba. Now, blockchain enables the token-based business model to replace centralized middlemen with a network of community-oriented storefronts, buyers, and sellers who bring the local and global community concepts together, maximizing local profit while also sharing in the total global commerce economy created by the network. This decentralized commerce is Commerce 3.0.

Three Eras in Commerce

With this community-oriented, owned, and operated network, Commerce 3.0 is intrinsically inclusive. Anyone can form a community marketplace to curate products. Anyone can list and sell products of any type — crypto, digital, or physical goods and services. And everyone shares in the ownership of the network, incentivizing cooperation to grow Commerce 3.0. That community mindset and ethos sets Commerce 3.0 apart and helps accelerate its growth to potentially $100T in size.

SesameOpen: Powering Commerce 3.0

To make Commerce 3.0 a reality, it needs a protocol that provides the communication infrastructure among participants and executes the token-based business model design to incentivize transactions and growth. The Internet had HTTP as a standard protocol upon which all ecommerce storefronts (and all websites, period) were built. Decentralized commerce needs a similar protocol, owned by the community, to bridge between blockchains and commerce applications. SesameOpen is that protocol.

SesameOpen is the middle-layer protocol for Commerce 3.0

SesameOpen powers Commerce 3.0 by providing the critical infrastructure:

  1. Peer-to-Peer Communication: To make the Commerce 3.0 network as efficient and inclusive as possible, all buyers, sellers, and communities need a standard way of joining and transacting within the network. SesameOpen structures the communications between buyers, sellers, and communities regardless of product category, country, or currency. This lets commerce participants focus on their products and communities without having to worry about underlying blockchain technology at all.
  2. Well-designed Token Economics: Buyers need a reason to buy. For Commerce 3.0, the disruptive token-based business model behind it enables the protocol to provide those purchase incentives without extracting any value. SesameOpen uses its native token inside the protocol to provide a low-price incentive to buyers while encouraging cooperation among communities and sellers to grow the commerce network by sharing ownership with them. As the Commerce 3.0 network grows, all network participants benefit.

Putting the Community in Charge of Commerce

At SesameOpen, we believe that communities know best what products and services they want to buy. Whether it’s an online community obsessed with wine, a crypto community evaluating projects to invest in, or an apartment building filled with families, communities are inherently a hub of commerce. Until now, though, it has been too hard for community members to curate a marketplace that serves their communities’ needs. SesameOpen’s token-based, decentralized approach removes those roadblocks, giving any enterprising community member the financial freedom and opportunity to own and operate a community-oriented marketplace.

But it’s not just about enabling a local marketplace. The core of Commerce 3.0 is that the community owns the decentralized commerce network and the value it creates. In ecommerce, centralized storefronts like Amazon and Alibaba own the network — they set the rules, decide who can join, and extract most of the value. The Commerce 3.0 network is owned by those who hold the SesameOpen native token, and those token holders are primarily the communities, buyers, and sellers who transact in the network.

Ownership has its privileges. There’s no central authority defining what can and can’t be sold. There’s no middleman taking a cut of the profits. As the Commerce 3.0 network expands to include more products and more communities, every token holder shares in the value created and captured. They benefit most when Commerce 3.0 is at its most inclusive.

That’s the beauty and power of decentralized Commerce 3.0 — commerce can be optimized locally to serve communities while also maximized globally because everyone shares in the value created. Physical retail and ecommerce cannot achieve that, which is exactly why Commerce 3.0 will be so disruptive.

Are you ready to join us in this? Connect with us at to hear more and share your thoughts on how decentralization and communities will redefine the shape of commerce.

SesameOpen’s token sale begins October 16th at Dcoin Exchange.

Until then, earn up to $200 in free token by inviting members to our Telegram group.

