Surprise 5% Bonus for Dcoin IEO Buyers

SesameOpen Network
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2019

SesameOpen and Commerce 3.0 are both very community-driven. In appreciation for our loyal community members who have given their support to the project, we have decided to offer a surprise 5% bonus for all Dcoin IEO token buyers. Interested investors can participate in our token sale on Dcoin Exchange starting October 16th. (Note: the bonus tokens will be subject to a lockup period of 3 months after the listing date on Dcoin.)

We always want to find a way to reward our community members who believe in our vision and join the movement at the earliest moment. We concluded that giving 5% purchase bonus tokens to IEO buyers is the best way to achieve our goal since holding token is the very first step to participate in the Commerce 3.0 economy. And this will not be our last surprise!

SesameOpen is a top-tier project because of the combination of an enormous $100 trillion Commerce 3.0 economy and incredibly well-designed token economics that drives sustainable, long-term demand for SesameOpen tokens. Thank you to our community for continuing to support us! We look forward to accelerating the growth of Commerce 3.0 with you all.

SesameOpen’s token sale begins October 16th at Dcoin Exchange.

Until then, earn up to $200 in free token by inviting members to our Telegram group.

