Ontology DEX by Sesameseed supports ONT, ONG and SEED

Sesameseed Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2019

Sesameseed is pleased to announce that it has successfully launched the first decentralized exchange on Ontology. The Ontology DEX by Sesameseed (aka SEED Exchange) supports trading with ONT, ONG and SEED.

Note: To trade on the DEX requires the use of a Chrome desktop browser with Cyano Wallet installed.

Guide to using the Ontology DEX by Sesameseed with Cyano Wallet

We have prepared a walkthrough on how to use the Ontology DEX with Cyano Wallet below.

You can also learn how to trade on the Ontology DEX by watching our YouTube video below.

To download the latest version of Cyano Wallet, please visit the Chrome web store and install the extension. For help with the wallet, visit their GitHub.

Note: It is strongly advised to read the detailed instructions on how to use the exchange before attempting any trades. These instructions, and answers to frequently asked questions can be found in the link at the bottom of the exchange website.

To view the SEED tokens you buy and sell in your wallet, you will need to add the token hash in the OEP-4 token field. The SEED token hash is: 78b98deed62aa708eaf6de85843734ecdfb14c1b.

* Disclaimer: Due to the volatile nature of digital assets, Sesameseed strongly recommends proper due diligence by each participant before completing any transactions. Please read the complete legal disclaimer on the website.

Want to use the ONTO integrated version of the Ontology DEX by Sesameseed? Learn how using the walkthrough linked below.

To learn more about Sesameseed visit our website. You may also connect with us on Telegram, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Medium.

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cc: Ontology Research Institute / The Ontology Team



Sesameseed Blog

This account is operated by Sesameseed to write articles about multichain staking and SEED. Learn more on our blog: medium.com/SesameseedOrg