Uncertain Times Create Opportunities

Coinwanderer (CW)
Sesameseed Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2020

Sesameseed is at its core a community. As a community member myself, I sometimes find I want to share some thoughts with the rest of the community in my own voice. The Sesameseed Community Blog provides a unique opportunity for myself and other community members to share with the rest of the world on topics of interest. This series of articles will reflect the personality, thoughts, opinions, and writing style of “that Lobster Guy” and are not necessarily reflective of the views of Sesameseed. Please follow the Sesameseed Community Blog on Sesameseed’s Medium page if you would like to my read future articles. Feel free to contact me about the subject of any of these articles @CoinWanderer in Sesameseed’s telegram. I hope you find my first contribution interesting and informative.


Wandering Across the Blockchain — Volume 1

Market uncertainty can create opportunity for the well prepared project.

For years the digital asset and blockchain space has held “adoption” as this magical concept that will mean a better world and mountains of money for everyone who holds digital assets. In my view, adoption would mean mainstream usage of digital assets or blockchain technology by a significant percentage of the world’s population. I have long expected this type of adoption would require simplifying blockchain to the point where the average person did not even realize that was what they were using. This goes along with the same idea the average gamer has no idea if what they are playing was written in Java or Python, they simply know the game is fun and they want to play.

All disruptions in any status quo are opportunities for those who strive to innovate. The measures enacted to prevent the spread of COVID 19 have highlighted how having a solid and scalable foundation can position an organization to thrive even during a world-wide crisis. Teleconferencing applications such as Zoom or Google Hangouts were familiar to many in the blockchain industry, but they are now enjoying newfound mainstream use for everything from online social meetings to telemedicine appointments. The mainstream is being forced to examine alternative solutions for problems that have been created by new conditions. Perhaps teleconferencing won’t be the only technology to benefit from the mainstream being forced to look at things differently. How can these times of economic uncertainty highlight those blockchain projects with strong foundations and influence wider adoption? Will distrust of some world authorities, or governments, create a desire to find new methods of growing a global economy as recovery happens?

The time to examine how to be successful during a recovery is not when the recovery starts, it is as the crisis is happening. The hurdle for digital assets is the common misconception that blockchain has to be complicated. Staking incentivizes the average person to interact with or use blockchain technology and provides a relatively reliable and stable return. It has a low risk of loss in the underlying digital assets, and can definitely help overcome the misconception. Staking through a world-wide community that is motivated to provide personalized help and on board new users provides individualized help in a revolutionary way. Ease of use and low risk may be the key to having more mainstream economic forces take a closer look at digital assets and the unique opportunities they provide.

Staking will never bring the large gains or losses inflicted by cryptocurrency trading, but I think it could arguably be called a safer way to ensure some sort of return in an uncertain market. For many people, trading could easily be renamed glorified gambling. Going back to my original point, gambling does not entice the type of adoption most people in blockchain dream of. 2020 has been called by many “The Year of Staking.” This was true even before the recent market volatility. Proof-of-stake blockchains are still in their infancy with more set to launch this year. SEED is a staking reward which is positioned unlike any other to capture this potential coming attention. Sesameseed’s multi-chain rewards model allows SEED holders to take advantage of market opportunities that would not otherwise exist. For example, staking one digital currency on one blockchain and earning a reward from several other blockchains at the same time. As Sesameseed expands, capturing a conservative 1% of total staking market share on available blockchains would result in SEED’s multi-chain redeem value increasing rapidly over an even shorter time. Just one of the digital assets in SEED’s redemption value realizing huge gains could provide a significant reward to SEED holders.

History is valuable to show trends, and it can show us what sorts of projects survive the unexpected. As the Corona Virus has shown us, the unpredictable will happen. What I would encourage everyone to look for is where do you see diversification of risk? What projects can not only survive, but thrive in an unpredictable market? What blockchain projects have the fundamentals that promise to take advantage of a good recovery? Someone famous once said something like, “The only thing I know for certain is that things will change.” Projects that can adapt, innovate, and provide multiple paths to success, are the most likely to survive a changing environment, and be leaders going into whatever is to come next.

About the author: CoinWanderer joined the Sesameseed community after admiring its values of transparency and providing a community voice in blockchain staking and governance. Sesameseed was such a different project with a unique mission, CW joined the team and is currently Head of Operations. CW can often be found represented by one of his favorite ocean dwelling creatures (the spiny lobster). CW can be reached on Telegram @CoinWanderer, or in Sesameseed’s Telegram room.

This article is a featured contribution from a community member. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Sesameseed. They are meant for information purposes only, and are not intended to serve as investment advice or recommendations. They are also not intended to serve as the basis for any investment decision. All investments involve risk and you should conduct your own research when making a decision.

Learn more about staking with Sesameseed on its website. Connect with Sesameseed on Telegram, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Medium.

Follow Sprout, the premiere multichain staking wallet on Twitter.

