The ants and the crickets

Mauricio Zambiasi
ILSC Creative English
2 min readFeb 23, 2015

Once upon a time, a couple of months before the freezing winter, Tom and Jerry, two hard working ants, were working on planting and caring for their food on the farm. Meanwhile, Haggen and Dazs, two lazy crickets, were always sleeping and singing up in the trees and not worrying about the winter that was arriving.

Seeing that the crickets did not start to work, the ants said: “Hey, crickets! You must start planting some food to survive the winter”. Then the crickets said: “You ants don’t have to worry about our food. We have a special seed that grows in a week. It always worked! Keep working!”.

Then, one week before autumn ends, the ants had everything ready to survive the winter. Their food had grown healthy and beautifully! Their neighbours, the lazy crickets, started to plant their seeds but they realized that the seeds were rotten and could not be used anymore. The crickets were desperate because they did not have enough food to survive throughout the winter.

Without time to plant food, the crickets went to the ants asking for help. The ants then said: “We told you that you needed to start planting and worrying about your food, so do not blindly trust in methods that always worked out right, maybe sometimes they won’t”.

