Milena Nasser
ILSC Creative English
3 min readNov 10, 2014


Titanic — the most famous ship in the world

On April, 10, 1912, the most famous ship left Southampton, England on its way to New York. The name was Titanic, and was know as the how “the city that floats”. This ship was a fantastic example of engineering at the time, because it was luxurious, huge, and a masterpiece. It was the biggest passenger ship in the World. They spent, 7.5 million dollars in your construction. The Titanic was the most advanced technologies available at the time, and everybody called it, the “unsinkable”.

Inside this boat, there were famous and rich people, everybody wanted to stay the Titanic, because it was the “magic thing” at the time. 2,223 people were inside. But, four days after the Titanic left Southampton (april, 14, 1912), the ship crashed into an iceberg, because the lookout, didn’t have binoculars, this item was the most important at the time.

Two hours and forty minutes after, the ship sank. This sinking resulted in the death of 1,517 people. This has generated shock. Never someone would think, that Titanic, the huge and big ship, would be sank. Much less, in your first voyage.

The number of people who died was high, because the ship had only 20 boats and the priority was children and women. Who decided this, were the Murdoch and Lightoller official.

At 2:20 a.m., of April, 15, 1912, the Titanic was completly submerged. And, more than 1,500 people were in the ocean, and the water was freezing. In this moment the passengers of the boat, had nothing to do. But, the boat number 14, of Fifth Official Harold Lowe transferred your passengers, and returned to collect some possible survivors. Just 6 people who were still alive were rescued.

In this story, there are two morais that everyone should think about. First, a kindness and generosity, without asking anything in return. Example, when the official put your passengers in other boat, and saved, 6 more lives. Second, a human error. Say that this ship was unsinkable, and it had the best and the most modern technologies, that wouldn't cause it to hit the iceberg and sink.

