Martina Besana
ILSC Creative English
2 min readJul 23, 2015

Once upon a time there was a group of animals living in a big wood, near a cold lake. The animals were all very selfish and uncaring about each other, and they did not seem like a real helpful community. But there was also a little bird, a hummingbird, that cared a lot about the others animals and in general, about the community in the wood. He was very brave but , in the other hand, also very fragile.. so fragile and little that nobody took him into account or took care about him.

One day a huge conflagration burst and spread all over the wood and all the animals was so afraid and worried about it that they just tried to find a way to escape from and saved their own life. Everyone was running and screaming up and down the wood when the little bird, without any fears, started to carry the water of the lake till the burning trees trying to extinguish it. He used his little beak to take the water from the lake to the trees but it wasn’t enough, and it hadn’t got any utility.

All the animals were almost at the the end of the wood in an attempt to save themselves when they realized what the little hummingbird was trying to do. But the wood was almost burned and destroyed: the trees fell down and the brunches crumbled in thousands of little pieces.

The bird tried so hard till the last tree was still alive, but when the whole wood got burst he got away to not get burn himself. He reached all the others animals at the end of the wood and all of them was very surprised about the hummingbird’s brave behaviour.

Now, think about what could have happened if the elephants with their proboscis would have helped the little bird carrying the water from the lake till the trees.. think about the gorillas with their smart mind, that could have found a fast solution to solve that problem.. or think about all the others bigger birds with their great beaks.. they together could have extinguished the conflagration and prevented the death of the whole wood.

But the one who tried to do his best was only the little hummingbird, and his contribution was just a little drop in the bucket.

That’s why the unity is strength, and together you may find the solutions to face a problem. Don’t think just about yourself, help each other for the good of the community, and you could avoid to make to fall a whole wood. ;)

