10x faster player, support for Constructable Stylesheets + more with the latest SessionStack

Antonia Bozhkova
SessionStack Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2019

Last week, the SessionStack engineering team rolled out several important product updates, new features, and optimizations. You likely only heard of one — the cherry on the cake — SessionStack’s integration with Zendesk Support, which was launched last week on Product Hunt and showcased at the Zendesk Presents conference in Berlin.

Watch a pixel-perfect replay of customer sessions right from within the customer support ticket. Never ask for screenshots again.

The latest product release, however, packs a lot more!

Session replay performance optimizations

SessionStack offers close-to-zero latency when it comes to live user session streaming. With the latest product update, the team has introduced a major enhancement to the speed with which you can jump back and forth from one point in the recording to another, thus accelerating session replay to 10+ times and cutting the time spent on finding a particular moment in the session.

Record Google Chrome’s Constructable Stylesheets

A new technology to create and distribute reusable styles, Constructable Stylesheets were introduced earlier this year and got quickly adopted by some of the popular frameworks like Angular. Constructable Stylesheets allow users to define shared CSS styles, and then apply those styles across multiple components without duplication. With the latest product update, SessionStack introduced support for the record and playback of Constructable Stylesheets:

Before introducing support for Constructable Stylesheets
Now SessionStack successfully captures and replays adopted stylesheets

Full-screen session recording

Modern browsers allow for certain page elements to be expanded and viewed on the entire screen of the device. A typical scenario for a user to expand your application to a full screen is when presentation mode is activated (for example, Google Slides), or there’s an embedded video that can be watched full screen. Full-screen user activity is now captured and replayed by SessionStack out-of-the-box.

Filter customer sessions by state/region

The newest SessionStack captures the state or area of your customers and makes this information available to you in the Users Live Now and Sessions dashboards. This way, you can segment customer sessions by state and search for all recordings from a specific state. Additionally, you can pinpoint your end-users’ exact state if the city name is not enough to locate them (for example, Springfield, New Jersey, or Illinois).

Try the latest SessionStack yourself. Grab your free 14-day trial now.



Antonia Bozhkova
SessionStack Blog

A product marketer with a strong distaste for marketing lingo. Sailing geek and a geeky sailor.