3 Ways Co-Browsing Can Improve Your Customer Service

Alexander Zlatkov
SessionStack Blog
Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2019

Co-browsing is just like screen-sharing. It’s just so much better. With a co-browsing solution, you not only can seamlessly connect to the screen of your customer, see exactly what they are doing but also interact with them.

At first glance, it might sound like another screen-sharing solution but there are plenty of differences. Co-browsing removes the things customers hate the most — downloads and installations. If you can remove all of this hassle from your end-users, why wouldn’t you?

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The co-browsing solutions are integrated directly inside your product via a small JavaScript snippet (like Google Analytics). Yes, there is some small integration effort but it offloads all of the future efforts from all of your users. The great thing about co-browsing solutions (at least the good ones) is that they have zero impact on your web app’s performance due to the way the technology works.

Depending on the functionality there are two main types of co-browsing solutions out there: non-interactive and interactive. With the non-interactive ones you can only view what is happening to the user, the same way you’d watch a live video stream. However, you don’t have the ability to interact with them in any way. On the other hand, the interactive co-browsing solutions provide you with a set of features, allowing you to guide or take full control over the customer’s screen. You can scroll, click, draw, highlight or write for them directly on their screen — pretty much the things you would want to do with a screen-sharing tool.

Regardless of the type of a co-browsing solution, you would choose, it will help you deliver a fast, unique and personal experiences across the customer journey. Support via co-browsing results in higher customer satisfaction (78%) than phone help (74%), or chat help (69%). Here are some great reasons why you should add co-browsing to your customer service.

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Co-browsing speeds up live-support

Co-browsing goes perfectly well with live support solutions. Normally, a customer reaches out with a request. Unless the question is pretty straightforward, you might get into lengthy conversations trying to figure out what the problem is. Using a co-browsing solution, with just a click of a button, you can join the user’s screen (with their permission, of course) and quickly see what the issue is. As simple as that.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

On top of that, some co-browsing solutions can also show you technical information from the user’s browser such as crashes and network delays, allowing you to easily determine what the issue is, whether a workaround can be provided or it has to be escalated to the engineering team. With an interactive co-browsing solution, you can even immediately start helping and guiding your users. This way you speed up support by cutting the back-and-forth.

Co-browsing eases customer onboarding

Once a user signs up, they’ll need to get onboard within your product as quickly as possible. Instead of initiating а separate onboarding session, you can do it together with the customer step-by-step.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

To educate your users and make sure that they actually understand your product, instead of setting up everything for them you can make them learn by doing. To do so you can use interactive co-browsing tools such as a pointer or a drawing tool. You’re still onboarding the user but it’s them who do the actual work. This way they are more engaged, understand the product better and might have fewer requests in the future.

Co-browsing improves customer success

Some companies call it customer success, some call it proactive support, some even address it as sales. No matter the actual name, the goal is to make sure that the user understands how your product fits their business needs and how to implement and use it properly.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Having in mind that your users are probably evaluating multiple products simultaneously, giving them a quick and frictionless overview of the key features can be crucial in the decision-making process. With interactive co-browsing, you can easily walk potential customers through your product. You can point their attention in the right direction by highlighting, circling or writing on their screen.

Co-browsing fits perfectly in your workflow

Since co-browsing is not a stand-alone communication channel, it doesn’t replace the ones you’re already using. No matter if it’s live-chat or a call center software, you can easily plug your co-browsing solution in so that it fits in and compliments your existing workflow.

Photo by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash

Imagine that you’re chatting or talking with a user and cannot figure out what their request is. Now with a click of a button, you can see exactly what they’re actually trying to describe. Most co-browsing solutions are very customizable and can be integrated with your favorite support platforms such as Intercom and Zendesk. Тhey also have APIs so that you can easily integrate into your in-house solutions.

Using co-browsing comes down to one thing: improving your customer service to delight your customers.

SessionStack is an interactive co-browsing solution that can easily be integrated with your current support solutions to seamlessly fit into your workflow.

Curious how can SessionStack improve your customer service? 🤔 Take a look around 👉here.

