How JavaScript works: the mechanics of Web Push Notifications

Alexander Zlatkov
SessionStack Blog
Published in
9 min readMar 1, 2018

This is post # 9 of the series dedicated to exploring JavaScript and its building components. In the process of identifying and describing the core elements, we also share some rules of thumb we use when building SessionStack, a JavaScript tool for developers to identify, visualize, and reproduce web app bugs through pixel-perfect session replay.

If you missed the previous chapters, you can find them here:

Today we turn our attention to web push notifications: we’ll have a look at their building components, explore the processes behind sending/receiving notifications and at the end share how we at SessionStack plan on utilizing these to build new product functionality.

Push Notifications are very common in the mobile world. For one reason or another, they made their entrance into the web pretty late, even though it has been a feature highly requested by developers.


Web Push Notifications allow users to opt-in for timely updates from web apps that aim to re-engage their user base with content that might be interesting, important and well-timed for the users.

Push is based on Service Workers, which we discussed in detail in a previous post.

The reason for employing Service Workers, in this case, is because they operate in the background. This is great for Push Notifications because it means that their code is being executed only when a user interacts with the notification itself.

Push & notification

Push and notification are two different APIs.

  • Push — it is invoked when the server supplies information to a Service Worker.
  • Notification — this is the action of a Service Worker or a script in a web app that shows information to the user.


There are three general steps to implementing a push:

  1. The UI — adding the necessary client-side logic to subscribe a user to a push. This is the JavaScript logic that your web app UI needs in order to enable the user to register himself to push messages.
  2. Sending the push message — implementing the API call on your server that triggers a push message to the user’s device.
  3. Receiving the push message — handling the push message once it arrives in the browser.

Now we’ll describe the whole process in more detail.

Browser support detection

First, we need to check if the current browser supports push messaging. We can check if push is supported by two simple checks:

  1. Check for serviceWorker on thenavigator object
  2. Check for PushManager on thewindow object

Both checks look like this:

Register a Service Worker

At this point, we know that the feature is supported. The next step is to register our Service Worker.

Registering a Service Worker is something you should already be familiar with from a previous post of ours.

Requesting permission

After a Service Worker has been registered, we can proceed with subscribing the user. To do so, we need to get his permission to send him push messages.

The API for getting permission is relatively simple, the downside, however, is that the API has changed from taking a callback to returning a Promise. This introduces a problem: we can’t tell what version of the API has been implemented by the current browser, so you have to implement and handle both.

It looks something like this:

The Notification.requestPermission() call will display the following prompt to the user:

Once the permission has been granted, closed, or blocked, we’ll be given the result as a string: ‘granted’, ‘default’ or ‘denied’.

Keep in mind that if the user clicks on the Block button, your web app will not be able to ask the user for permission again until they manually “unblock” your app by changing the permission state. This option is buried in the settings panel.

Subscribing a user with PushManager

Once we have our Service Worker registered and we’ve got permission, we can subscribe a user by calling registration.pushManager.subscribe() when you register your Service Worker.

The whole snippet might look like this (including the Service Worker registration):

The registration.pushManager.subscribe(options) takes an options object, which consists of both required and optional parameters:

  • userVisibleOnly: A boolean indicating that the returned push subscription will only be used for messages which effect is made visible to the user. It has to be set to true otherwise you’ll get an error (there are historical reasons for this).
  • applicationServerKey: A Base64-encoded DOMString or ArrayBuffer containing a public key that the push server will use to authenticate your application server.

Your server needs to generate a pair of application server keys — these are also known as VAPID keys, which are unique to your server. They are a pair of a public and a private key. The private key is secretly stored on your end, while the public one gets exchanged with the client. The keys allow a push service to know which application server subscribed a user and ensure that it’s the same server that triggers the push messages to that particular user.

You need to create the private/public key pair only once for your application. One way of doing it is going to .

The browser passes the applicationServerKey (the public one) onto a push service when subscribing the user, meaning that the push service can tie your application’s public key to the user’s PushSubscription .

This is what happens:

  • Your web app is loaded and you call subscribe() , passing your server key.
  • The browser makes a network request to a push service that will generate an endpoint, associate this endpoint with the key and return the endpoint to the browser.
  • The browser will add this endpoint to the PushSubscription object, which is returned via the subscribe() promise.

Later, whenever you want to send a push message, you’ll need to create an Authorization header which contains information signed with your application server’s private key. When the push service receives a request to send a push message, it will validate the header by looking up the public key that it has already linked to that particular endpoint (the second step).

The PushSubscription object

A PushSubscription contains all the information that is needed to send a push message to the user’s device. This is how it looks like:

"endpoint": "",
"keys": {

The endpoint is the push services URL. To trigger a push message, make a POST request to this URL.

The keys object contains the values used to encrypt message data sent with a push message.

Once a user is subscribed and you have a PushSubscription you need to send it to your server. There (on the server) you’ll save the subscription to a database and from now on use it to send push messages to that user.

Sending the push message

When you want to send a push message to your users, the first thing you need is a push service. You’re telling the push service (via API call) what data to send, who to send the message to and any criteria about how to send the message. Normally, this API call is done from your server.

Push Services

A push service is one that receives requests, validates them and delivers the push message to the proper browser.

Note that the push service is not managed by you — it’s a third-party service. Your server is the one that communicates with the push service through an API. An example of a push service is Google’s FCM.

The push service handles all the heavy lifting. For example, if the browser is offline, the push service will queue up messages and wait until the browser goes online again, before sending the respective message.

Each browser can use any push service they want and this is something that’s beyond the control of the developer.

All push services, however, have the same APIs so this doesn’t create implementation difficulties.

In order to get the URL which will handle the requests for your push messages, you need to check the stored value of endpoint in the PushSubscription object.

Push Service API

The Push Service API provides a way to send messages to a user. The API is the Web Push Protocol which is an IETF standard that defines how you make an API call to a push service.

The data you send with a push message must be encrypted. This way, you prevent push services from being able to view the data sent. This is important because the browser is the one that decides which push service to use (and it might be using some push service that is untrusted and not secure enough).

For each push message, you can also give the following instructions:

  • TTL — defines for how long a message should be queued before it’s removed and not delivered.
  • Priority — defines the priority of each message which will let the push service send only the high priority ones in case the user device’s battery life has to be preserved.
  • Topic — gives a push message a topic name which will replace pending messages with the same topic so that once the device is active, the user won’t receive outdated information.

Push event in the browser

Once you send the message to the push service as explained above, the message will be in a pending state until one of the following happens:

  • The device comes online.
  • The message expires on the queue due to the TTL.

When the push service delivers a message, the browser will receive it, decrypt it and dispatch a push event in your Service Worker.

The great thing here is that the browser can execute your Service Worker even when your web page is not open. The following takes place:

  • The push message arrives to the browser which decrypts it
  • The browser wakes up the Service Worker
  • A push event is dispatched to the Service Worker

The code for setting up a push event listener should be pretty similar to any other event listener you’d write in JavaScript:

One of the things to understand about Service Workers is that you have little control over the time the service worker code is going to run. The browser decides when to wake it up and when to terminate it.

In Service Workers, event.waitUntil(promise) tells the browser that work is ongoing until the promise settles, and it shouldn't terminate the service worker if it wants that work to complete.

Here is an example of handling the push event:

Calling self.registration.showNotification() displays a notification to the user and it returns a promise that will resolve once the notification has been displayed.

The showNotification(title, options) method can be visually tweaked to fit your needs. The title parameter is a string while options is an object that looks like this:

"//": "Visual Options",
"body": "<String>",
"icon": "<URL String>",
"image": "<URL String>",
"badge": "<URL String>",
"vibrate": "<Array of Integers>",
"sound": "<URL String>",
"dir": "<String of 'auto' | 'ltr' | 'rtl'>",

"//": "Behavioural Options",
"tag": "<String>",
"data": "<Anything>",
"requireInteraction": "<boolean>",
"renotify": "<Boolean>",
"silent": "<Boolean>",

"//": "Both Visual & Behavioural Options",
"actions": "<Array of Strings>",

"//": "Information Option. No visual affect.",
"timestamp": "<Long>"

You can read in more detail what each option does here —

Push notifications can be a great way of getting your users’ attention whenever there is urgent, important and time-sensitive information that you’d like to share with them.

We at SessionStack for example, plan to utilize push notifications to let our users know when there is a crash, issue or anomaly in their product. This will let our users know immediately there is something wrong going on. Then, they can replay the issue as a video and see everything that happened to their end-user by leveraging the data that was collected by our library such as DOM changes, user interactions, network requests, unhandled exceptions and debug messages.

Not only will this feature help our users understand and reproduce any issue but it will also enable customers to get alerted as soon as it happens.

There is a free plan if you’d like to give SessionStack a try.


