How Metrilo Elevates Customer Support with Co-browsing and Session Replay

SessionStack Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2020

To analyze the user behavior of the tens of thousands of e-commerce professionals using their analytics, CRM, and email marketing automation platform, Metrilo relies on SessionStack. By utilizing a combination of co-browsing and session replay for sales and support, Metrilo has been able to provide excellent user and customer support experience.

One of the first priorities of Murry Ivanoff, Co-founder and CEO of Metrilo, was to look for a solution that will help the team to learn more about their customers and their customer journey.

“We needed a way to watch and analyze the various paths users took to explore our platform. Obviously, some of those [user journey paths] worked better than others when it came to getting started with the product but we couldn’t tell which ones we needed to focus on”.

As the company has grown in employees, customers, and revenue, SessionStack has been there the whole way as a central solution for providing customer behavioral and troubleshooting insights. It’s been more than two years

“Initially, we decided to give SessionStack a try because we wanted to see how our users find their way in the Metrilo Platform”, explains Murry. “Later, we realized we could leverage SessionStack to not only improve our onboarding but also resolve customer issues faster. The specifics of the market we operate in are such that customers require immediate resolution of the problems they have encountered as their business might be dependent on it — they need to know critical areas such as shopping carts, payment methods, and so on”.

Speeding up support while maintaining personal relationships

Whenever the team implements a new feature into the platform, a ton of questions follow from potential and existing customers who often require personal assistance. “For example, recently we’ve implemented a new email builder into our platform. Most of our customers wanted to walk them through the new features. Instead of wasting our customers’ time by setting up a screen-sharing solution, we utilized SessionStack’s co-browsing. The moment a customer reaches out, with just a click of a button, we were able to access the customer’s screen and guide them instantly. No downloads. No installations.”, explained Alex, Marketing Manager at Metrilo.

With live chat and co-browsing, Metrilo’s agents have the tools to initiate a session the moment the customer chats in, guide them or take full control over their screen, instantly solving the problem. As a result, Metrilo’s team saw improvements not only in the whole customer support process but also in key metrics such as average time to resolution and first resolution rate.

“We were pleasantly surprised to see improvements in key metrics in the first couple of months since we incorporated SessionStack’s co-browsing. For example, our average time to resolution dropped by 60% while the first contact resolution rate increased from 60% to 80% without compromising on quality”.

When a customer chats in the support agent can start a co-browsing session with just a click of a button right from their live chat platform. In the photo you see SessionStack integrated into Intercom’s live chat used by Metrilo.

Organically expanding use with co-browsing for onboarding

As Metrilo saw its chat volume increase, there was a natural increase in the number of people now using the messenger to enquire about buying a Metrilo subscription instead of just looking for support. Since the integration of SessionStack into their Intercom live chat, Metrilo saw a 17% growth in new business revenue.

“The increase in sales is due to our instant support. The majority of customers we’ve assisted during the trial period shared that they chose us over competitors because we were there for them. Providing excellent user experience is what our team aims for and SessionStack helps us achieve it ”, Alex explained.

Removing language barriers and back-and-forth

Metrilo has customers from over 40 countries. Sometimes a simple issue takes forever to be solved due to a language barrier and lack of understanding. With the help of co-browsing and session replay, Metrilo agents can get all the context they need without the customer saying a word. Not only they are able to view the customer screen but also watch customer sessions.

The ability to watch sessions allows them to document issues more accurately and help users real-time, speeding up support and increasing customer satisfaction levels.

Metrilo team watches every step of the customer journey within the product. In the photo, you see Metrilo’s team analyzing customer behavior by replaying the user session. *The data is used for illustrative purposes only and it does not come from a real customer.

“Not only does SessionStack help us determine the exact user journey customers take to explore the Platform, it allows us to confidently resolve problems our customers run into when using the product. These issues could be defects in our Platform or UI/UX elements that people find confusing. Watching user sessions is now an important part of the process that customer success and support reps follow”, Murry shares.

SessionStack helps enterprise and SMB teams at companies like CalPERS, Bazaarvoice, Sketchdeck understand and improve the quality of their customer support thanks to co-browsing, session replay, error notifications, troubleshooting insights, analytics, and reporting tools.

