Intercom + SessionStack = Better Customer Experience

Alexander Zlatkov
SessionStack Blog
Published in
5 min readJul 24, 2019

Intercom has made communication between your company and your customers incredibly frictionless. It doesn’t matter if the customer wants to reach out to you or vice-versa, the communication is one click away.

Companies use Intercom for various reasons such as acquiring and engaging leads but also supporting existing customers.

However, due to live chat's convenience and easy access, customers are now taking it for granted. Higher customer expectations increase the demands on your support team to unbelievable levels. Now, you can enhance your live chat to make it even greater. How? The solution is hidden in the Intercom App Store.😎

Chat less, see more with SessionStack

Even with the effortless communication with the end-user within the live chat, it’s still pretty difficult to properly understand what the user needs.🤷‍♂️

Getting context is not easy since you still have to ask for screenshots or some other information, such as where they’ve clicked, what data they’ve entered, etc. It gets even more difficult when you have to actually guide them towards achieving their goal. Just giving them textual information as steps can be pretty confusing, especially if it’s a user that is still not familiar with your product.

Live chat is just the channel, not the solution to gather context. It provides smooth communication but it doesn’t make it easier to actually assist your users when they look for support.

This is where SessionStack’s interactive co-browsing comes to the rescue. SessionStack’s interactive co-browsing solution allows you to see and interact with your user’s screen with just a click of a button. Once the user grants you access to view their screen, you can immediately spot what the issue is. You can guide them or take control over their screen. And they don’t have to do anything. They don’t have to download, install or configure any additional software.

Interactive co-browsing allows you to do the job you would otherwise perform with a screen-sharing solution. However, it just does it so much better as its build with customer service in mind. It’s quick and easy to use. It values customers’ privacy and it removes the things they hate doing the most — downloads and installations.

No more back-and-forth

Often, a user inquiry will turn out to be a bug or a bad design/UX.‍😱
There’s no need to panic. SessionStack can record each of the support sessions and you can forward it for further review by your team members. Whether it’s some troubleshooting or making is needed by the dev team, or you have to make some other product changes, you can invite your team members so that they can review the user journeys that were recorded during the support session.

Developers can explore deep technical details such as network requests, crashes + stack traces, debug data, etc. allowing them to easily understand and reproduce customer issues without the need to ask the customer or the support agent for more context.

It’s private and secure

You have full control over what data should be streamed and recorded. By default, SessionStack hides all passwords. However, you have the controls to mark any type of data as sensitive in your web app:

When SessionStack starts working and finds data that has been marked as sensitive it will ignore it and it won’t leave the browser of your users.

Integrating SessionStack with Intercom

Intercom has a great App Store, allowing you to easily find and integrate external products to enhance your workflow.

To integrate SessionStack go to the Intercom App Store and look for us:

Afterward, you have to click on SessionStack which will prompt you with a modal window, where you can find more information about SessionStack. There is an installation button:

Then you will be redirected to a page, where you have to give SessionStack the requested permissions:

Now, the SessionStack app is installed. The next thing you have to do is integrate SessionStack into your website or web app, which is as simple as placing a small JS snippet in your HTML.

These are the detailed steps you need to follow in order to complete the setup:

And voila. Now, you have successfully integrated SessionStack with Intercom, and you can seamlessly leverage SessionStack’s interactive co-browsing capabilities within your live-chat:

By clicking the “Start co-browsing now” button, you will have to request access to your user’s screen:

And your user will be prompted with the following message:

Your user can choose to either allow or decline access to their screen.

Now, you can see everything that the user is doing and guide them towards achieving their goal:

Intercom and SessionStack are a great combo when it comes to creating smooth customer experiences. Together they make support quick, easy, and hassle-free for both your customers and agents.

Ready to integrate? Click here.

Wanna know more? 🤓 Take a look around 👉here.

