Projul Cut Support Resolution Time in Half, Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Gaining Efficiencies with SessionStack

Antonia Bozhkova
SessionStack Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2020


Based in Seattle, Washington, Projul offers a cloud-based all-in-one construction management solution to help small to midsize construction companies and contractors. Designed from the ground up with simplicity and power in mind, Projul enables its customers to handle jobs from a new lead through project completion. This feature-rich platform includes mobile/offline access, accounting integration, estimating, change orders, scheduling, time tracking, photos, sales pipeline, lead management, and more.

The team at Projul prides itself on offering unlimited customer support and onboarding assistance with every pricing plan. They’ve been using SessionStack for over 10 months.

Projul’s all-in-one construction management solution


Providing an easy-to-use, yet robust and comprehensive construction management platform is not an easy task to accomplish. Thriving in an industry where most of the players offer enterprise-ready, legacy systems that can be overwhelming and complicated, requires the ability to understand and quickly respond to customers’ requests.

The Projul team’s goal is to stand out from the crowd by offering a feature set that is as simple, innovative and powerful as possible. Right from the start, they’ve been closely working with their customers to ensure their success, which has helped to keep them grounded in the construction industry. Providing excellent onboarding experience and outstanding customer support has always been a key priority for the team.

“At Projul, our goal is to provide the absolute best customer service in the industry. Providing the best-quality and timely support to all of our customers on both desktop and mobile apps was not an easy goal to achieve. In SessionStack, we found a solution that allows us to easily see customer problems and get them resolved as quickly as possible.“ - Justin Grimm, Projul’s VP of Quality Assurance. Justin defines and orchestrates Projul’s test processes, helps prioritize customer requests, and assists in troubleshooting customer issues with the support team and the development team.


“We started a trial with SessionStack and got the product running in our app the same day. The SessionStack team was easy to work with and quick to answer the questions we had. It was obvious right away that the product was very powerful. Being able to easily see customer actions, user info, device details, and console logs was extremely helpful and cut our debugging time down tremendously.”

The Projul team had error reporting baked into their product, but that was not enough to help them see each action the customer took, what they were seeing, and how they used the product. SessionStack was the only solution at the time that had the ability to both view user actions live and also debug with recorded user actions, which has considerably reduced their time to reproduce and resolve customer issues.


At present, the Projul customer support team is using SessionStack to assist customers both in real-time and asynchronously, depending on the issue. Additionally, they have been leveraging SessionStack to see if people use newly launched product functionality and if there are any major usability problems that customers struggle with that need to be addressed.

A session replay in SessionStack enables Projul’s support team to resolve customer issues faster and with confidence: while watching the video, the team gets everything that happened to the user in the Steps Timeline to the left.

Since they started using SessionStack 10 months ago, the Projul team have managed to improve the overall ticket resolution rate, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and free up customer support resources to focus on proactive customer onboarding and training instead:

  • Tickets get resolved quicker thanks to SessionStack’s ability to accurately reproduce customer issues the way they happened.
  • The number of replies per support ticket have been easily cut in half.
  • Customer satisfaction improved as the team was able to fix issues and deliver solutions to their customers within a day or two.
  • Using SessionStack, the customer support team reaped efficiency gains, which enabled them to engage more with proactive user onboarding and training.

“We love SessionStack for giving us the ability to work with customers live and view and debug recorded customer actions. The price is good, especially when you factor in time and productivity gains. Last but not least — the SessionStack team is quick to respond and provides timely and professional support and assistance when we need it.”

This customer story was originally published on



Antonia Bozhkova
SessionStack Blog

A product marketer with a strong distaste for marketing lingo. Sailing geek and a geeky sailor.