The latest SessionStack release includes Most Clicked Chart & Funnel Summary & Custom Events

Mariya Ivanova
SessionStack Blog
Published in
6 min readFeb 9, 2023

We are thrilled to announce our first feature delivery for 2023.

This article will cover:

  1. User Trends: Most Clicked Elements
  2. Funnel Summary
  3. Matching Sessions in Funnel Summary — Coming Soon
  4. Custom Events

1. User Trends: Most Clicked Elements

Back in October in our blog posts, we discussed the Rage Clicks chart and Dead Clicks chart. Now we want to share with you our next new chart called Most Clicked Elements.

You can use it to determine which elements of your website or product are the most interacted with. Furthermore, the new visual can help you figure out which product features are regularly used. All of this comes at the expense of zero-effort configuration.

Most Clicked Elements Chart

1.1 How to Read the Data on the Chart

Each bar that is shown on the chart includes four main components:

  • An HTML element that has been interacted with. If available for the element, its text is presented on the chart, too.
  • The CSS selector of the HTML element is always shown.
  • The URL address of the page where the element is located. This will be useful if you have two buttons with the same text on them from different pages.
  • Clicks and Users: count of the clicks and users who have clicked the element. These statistics can be visualized in both absolute values and percentages. Turn on the percentage option, as shown below, to see what percentage of your segment’s users (or all users if no filtering criteria are used) are performing these clicks.

1.2 Creating a User Segment Directly from the Chart

A feature of our new Most Clicked Elements chart is the ability to create a user segment quickly and easily. To do this, simply click the unique “Add Filter” icon for any row that you believe merits more examination. You may do this to see which users interacted with a particular element, to view their matching sessions, or to look at the remainder of the User trends for those users.

Check the image below for more details.

Add Filter option in Most Clicked Elements Chart

2. Funnel Summary

Shortly before the end of 2022, we announced our instrumentation-free conversion funnels. Now, we’ve taken it a step further by delivering a funnel summary.

Funnel Summary assists you by providing:

  • The conversion rate and drop-off rate for each funnel step;
  • The exact users’ list — converted and drop-offs. A user is considered converted once they have completed all funnel steps from start to finish.
  • Quick access to the users’ sessions in chronological order, from the most recent to the oldest;

How will Funnel Summary help you analyze user flow? The key answer is in the user’s list. Conversion funnels incorporated with users’ session recordings give you answers to both questions:

  • How many people haven’t converted? (quantitative data)
  • Why have they left the desired user flow? (qualitative data)

The Funnel Summary is located directly beneath the funnel step builder and funnel chart. To focus on the summary, you can collapse both the funnel steps and the chart, as shown below. The funnel steps are listed on the left side in the same order that you configured them in the builder section. The list of converted users and drop-off users for the selected step is displayed on the right side.

Funnel Summary

As a DXI platform, SessionStack provides both quantitative and qualitative data, and conversion funnel analysis supports you in understanding and optimizing user behavior.

3. Matching Sessions in Funnel Summary — Coming Soon

Currently, all user sessions (matching and non-matching funnel step) are displayed in both user lists — converted and dropped. Soon, you will be able to filter out only the sessions that are relevant to any of the funnel steps. This significantly reduces the time spent finding the relevant user sessions.

User Sessions — Matching Sessions coming soon

4. Custom Events

The segment filters Visited URL and Clicked Element can be used to identify and analyze the usage of almost any feature in your product. Through our Rage Click and Dead Click filters you can examine the frustration points for your users while interacting with your platform. And that is all accomplished with a zero-effort configuration. However, there could be some situations in which our built-in supported events are insufficient to perfectly describe your users’ behavior. In such circumstances, you must employ specially created events — custom events.

4.1 Custom Event Definition

A custom event is one that has a name and a set of properties (parameters) that you define in order to collect information specific to your business. Our custom events are JavaScript based and they have a pretty simple structure: SessionStack.trackEvent(eventName, eventProperties).

The first argument (eventName) is required and describes the name of your event. In contrast, event properties is a JSON object containing all the information you want to pass to SessionStack.

4.2 Example of Custom Event

Here’s an example of a custom event to help you understand them better.

Let’s assume you want to filter users on your e-commerce site based on the items in their shopping cart. Upon “Add to cart”, we can add the following custom event:

SessionStack.trackEvent(“Add to Cart”, { itemName_str: “Socks”, price_real: 5.99,color_str: “Blue”,quantity_int: 3, isUserRegistered_bool: true })

In the example above, “Add to Cart” is the event name, itemName_str, price_real, color_str, quantity_int, and isUserRegistered_bool are event properties with their values on the right.

4.3 When to Use Custom Event?

Custom events can be used in one of the following cases:

  • When you’ve addressed the key events for comprehending user behavior and using the SessionStack-supported events isn’t enough to build the desired ones.
  • When you want to segment your users by events that happen in third-party tools such as external chat or external ticketing system.

4.4 Custom Events in Segments and Funnels Dashboards.

Once we have collected your custom events (at least one user has a session with these events), they will be available in the Segments and Funnel dashboards, as shown in the images below.

Custom Events in Segments Dashboard
Custom Events in Funnels Dashboard
The custom event “Add to cart” with properties added as a funnel step

The filter icon on the right is used to select the properties of the custom event. Look at the image below. Using event properties for your search criteria is optional, but it makes your filtering criteria more sophisticated and granular.

Custom event with properties

4.5 Custom Events in the Session Player

The session player also displays custom events. They can be found on the left side of the event timeline. The custom-built events can be easily filtered-out on the left side either by using the option for it or directly using the search bar. Check the next image.

Custom events in session player

We hope you find these feature updates helpful. We’d love to hear your feedback.

If you still haven’t had the chance to try out SessionStack, get your free plan here.

