Why Screen Share When You Can Co-browse? [Infographic]

SessionStack Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2020

Technology has redefined how companies interact with customers. Phone calls, emails and one-on-one meetings used to be the only ways to answer customer’s questions, solve their problems, showcase product demos and deliver a memorable customer experience.

These days there are better ways to connect with customers and prospects. Co-browsing and screen sharing are the two main solutions on the market enabling organizations to collaborate with customers across the globe in real-time. Although at first glance they might look the same, co-browsing and screen sharing tools have variations in features and capabilities making them perfect fit in different scenarios.

Screen sharing is the go-to solution when it comes to showing customers something that is outside the browser. For example, it’s ideal for salespeople who often do product demos and need to access multiple files. The demo is on and running and people can instantly see what’s on the salesperson’s screen.

On the other hand, co-browsing is ideal for immediate in-app support. Co-browsing allows support agents to effortlessly figure out what’s going on at the other end of the screen with just a click of a button. It literally lets them be on “the same page” with the customer — solving their problems instantly. Co-browsing can be used alongside a phone call, a chat session, e-mail or a messenger conversation thus allowing teams to provide fast and personal support in real-time across different channels.

Check out the below infographic to learn more about why co-browsing is ideal for SaaS customer support.

If you are curious to try SessionStack, there’s a free 14-day trial that you can check out now.

