Sesterce’s bootcamp

Diana Mazourenko
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2022
Happy faces after karting

The world has changed. Humans are so creative that it is possible to live at the other end of the world while working for Sesterce, based in Marseille without any issue. A good internet connection is enough. This system offers a huge advantage because it gives companies the chance to work with talent from all over the world without asking them to leave their country, their family and their environment. The location barrier is gone. However, it creates a new problem. Our Indian co-worker can’t tell us about his weekend during break at the coffee machine Monday morning.

In a company where work can be done remotely, it is important to us to be able to create a link between our employees. We are ambitious and want to achieve great things, and for that we need to put together a talented crew that moves in the same direction, towards high objectives and goals. And for that, nothing replaces spending some time together, at the same table, getting to know each other, telling our life stories, and sharing our experiences.

It was from this realization that we decided to organize a bootcamp once a year. We wanted to bring everyone together to get to know our employees beyond their professional skills.

Last March, Avalanche organized an event in Barcelona to create this link between all these people behind their screens and we found the ideal opportunity to bring all our employees in the same city at the same time.

That’s how the first Sesterce boot camp was organized, and the experience was extraordinary. We were able to thank and meet each person who has been working with us for months, even years for some. We were able to take a few hours to work together face to face, but most importantly, we took time to forget about work and focus on each person there, with their culture, values and dreams.

For some it was the discovery of a new country, even a new continent. So it was important to take some time for sightseeing in Barcelona, and introduce European culture to our out of continent team members. We wanted everyone to go home with memories and stories to tell.

The goal of this trip was to create a bond for better teamwork, so what better way than an escape game to consolidate communication between each employee? We took advantage of having everyone in one place to focus on team building through daily activities. We played games together during one afternoon. One lie three truths, guess the drawings and many others. We all came out of the room with a sore cheek from smiling too much.

Sightseeing, karting, restaurants, clubbing, hotel relaxation… There was action for everyone.

The discovery of a country goes through its food. Needless to say that we ate well. It was a real pleasure to be able to share meals all together in the best restaurants of Barcelona for a week.

And finally, we also took advantage of having a crypto community gathered in Barcelona for the Avalanche summit to organize our own Sesterce event at Soho House. We chose the Roman theme, in obvious connection with the name of our company. The room was completely decorated as a Roman garden with a very big buffet composed by fruits, risotto in cheese wheels and many other dishes. It was an opportunity to consolidate everyone’s network and meet new people in the same universe as ours. We have wonderful memories of this evening.

This team building was as rewarding and fun for the executive team as it was for each team member. We are convinced that this kind of experience is a real plus for the development of Sesterce as well as for the well-being of everyone at the company.

The only question that remains unanswered now is : where do we go next year?

Brain connection. Working all together.
Games time !
Sesterce’s roman Afterparty
Ready to welcome all the guests !
Happy moments around a table

