CoffeeTimes on the Asian Crypto Scene — Set Social Trader Spotlight

Anthony Sassano
Set Labs
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2020

Welcome to the Set Social Trader Spotlight Series. In these posts, we give you insight into exciting new traders that will be trading on the Set Social Trading platform. If you want to learn more about Set Social Trading, you can click here.

Today, we’ve got an interview with CoffeeTimes (Kaito), a new trader on the TokenSets platform who’s offering his Asian ETH Sentiment Set.

CoffeeTimes Set is currently live on TokenSets — you can check it out here.

Hey CoffeeTimes, it’s great to have you. First, could you give us a quick intro about yourself and your background?

I am a founder of crypto media shop called TokenLab and currently building an application on Handshake as a side project. I earned a BS in Computer Science and got into crypto in 2013. Since then, I’ve trade across a wide variety of crypto-asset pairs.

You currently run BSpeak, a crypto newsletter in Japan with over 7400 subscribers. Can you tell us more about how the crypto scene in Japan and Asia differ from western countries?

I can’t fully generalize it but I would say that the trading scene in Japan/Asia is advanced, in terms of volume and the regulatory rules. Getting a license and following the regulations are hard however the whole process regarding them is clear in most cases.

I know some people argue that North America is more focused on user side applications, Europe is more toward a infrastructure R&D, and Asia is more of like trading-oriented. But when it comes to Japan, there’re also cool user-side applications such as gaming and infrastructure projects which are developing a new type of scaling solution. Community is also big enough to educate newbies in space, so non-trading related skill/knowledge is high these days.

Can you give an overview on the Asian Sentiment Set that you’re planning to launch on TokenSets?

Compared with other social traders, the Asian Sentiment Set is quite simple. By checking and scanning Asian languages on Twitter, I rebalance based on those sentiments. Currently this set is running on a manual operation however going forward, I’m looking to automate the process.

What is something that people don’t know about you that you’d like to share?

I am trying many DeFi products and protocols on a daily basis, the recent cases are Opyn option trade (oToken) on convexity protocol and UMA Initial Uniswap Offering. When TokenSets supports many more tokens and/or DeFi products, I can leverage these past experiences, for example when a good opportunity is available and what aspects affect other assets prices.

Anything else you’d like to tell us or your potential followers?

I am usually catching up with the latest trend in crypto in order to operate my media/newsletter, so.. I’ll try my best :) Please enjoy a cup of coffee every morning and start the day without thinking of rebalancing by yourself ☕


We hope you enjoyed reading this interview! CoffeeTimes Set is currently live on TokenSets — you can check it out here.

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