Introducing CryptoCat, who traded more volume than Kyber or Uniswap in 2019 — Set Social Trader Spotlight

Anthony Sassano
Set Labs
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2020

Welcome to the Set Social Trader Spotlight Series. In these posts, we’ll give you an insight into our launch traders that’ll be on the Set Social Trading platform once it goes live in the next few weeks. Learn more about Social Trading here.

Today, we have an interview with CryptoCat who accounts for more than 2% of DEX volume according to data from Dune Analytics. Please enjoy.

Hi CryptoCat, nice to have you. Can you give us an intro of yourself?

I first encountered Bitcoin back in 2012, and took a Distributed Systems course during my time at university. As I was majoring in Computer Science with an Economics minor, Bitcoin bridged those two worlds in a very interesting manner. I then ended up researching the topic of cryptocurrency/blockchain and accumulating some BTC. I kept my stack on MtGox… aaaaaaand it’s gone.

I ragequit until the end of 2017 until I heard of a digital cat selling for $100,000 on Ethereum. This led me into crypto games, then into DEXs, and now into DeFi. I have since used pretty much most DApps on Ethereum.

Currently I provide OTC services, market make on several markets, and complain (aka do free QA for products that I use).

I heard that you’re responsible for about 2% of daily volume on DEXs. Is that true?

2019 DEX volume analyzed by Dune Analytics (Link)

If I consider the recent data from Dune Analytics to be accurate, I would say that 2% would be a very modest estimate. By those numbers I traded more volume than Kyber or Uniswap in 2019. If you ever traded a StableCoin on a DEX, chances are we have met! 😉

How would you describe your trading style? And what assets do you trade?

Anything that has inefficiencies in its market, as in traders not getting the best deal they can, which I do get.

Shameless Self Promotion: If you are doing a trade of more than 100 ETH, chances are you’d get a better deal working with me OTC than you would get from any DEX.

Can you explain your strategy that you’re going to execute on the Set Social Trader?

The Set will be trading in accordance with the Greed & Fear Index. Basically, the strategy will be buying when you’d be too scared to buy and selling when you’d be too greedy to sell.

Rebalances will take place on the 2nd day we are below 20 or above 80, or if we have a 40 point change from a previous rebalance.

The Bitcoin Greed Fear Index on

What was your most memorable moment during your time trading crypto?

Last month I confused a buy with a sell, so that was a very painful and memorable loss.

You’re a mysterious person. What’s something about you that most people don’t know?

I was a runner up in the 2015 Miss Israel competition. 😉

Well, I am from Israel, and have been working as a QA manager in the semiconductor industry. So if I don’t like something about your DApp, you will hear about it 🙂

What tools do you use to help you trade?

I’m a big fan of TradingView, and a couple of other ones that I hacked together myself.

Anything else you’d like to tell us or your potential followers?

Feel free to DM me on Twitter or Telegram if you have any questions about the Set, DEXs, OTC, or DeFi.


We hope you enjoyed reading this interview! CryptoCat will be one of initial launch traders when Set Social Trading goes live in the next few weeks. If you’d like to be notified when CryptoCat’s Set goes live, head here to sign up!

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