Macro-Focused Hedge Fund, Davoa Capital, on Finding Hidden Opportunities — Set Social Trader Spotlight

Abhishek Punia
Set Labs
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2020

Welcome to the Set Social Trader Spotlight Series. In these posts, we give you insight into exciting new traders that are on the Set Social Trading platform. If you want to get primed on Set Social Trading, you can click here.

Today, we‘ve got an interview with Davoa Capital, a new trader on the platform and creator of the Macro Set, for all of you to enjoy.

Davoa Capital’s Sets are currently live on TokenSets — you can check them out here.

Hi Fabien, nice to have you. You have an incredibly deep background in international finance and legal structures. Can you give us an intro of yourself, your fund, and what you do?

Thank you for having me! My background is in wealth management and sister industries in finance, through which, I acquired a diverse range of experiences, collectively igniting my passion, which lead to the birth of Davoa Capital.

Davoa Capital was set up with a view to capitalize on the on the growing macroeconomic trends in asset digitalization, decentralized finance, or DeFi, and financial technology. In light of which, the fund seeks to proactively adopt a position in the investment sphere ahead of commodities, debt, real estate and options following suite of digitalization. The debt cycle lasts in the region of 50–75 years, collapsing upon the emergence of a follow-on system of finance — blockchain technology triggered the financial revolution through bitcoin, which laid the foundations of the future. Davoa Capital has positioned itself ahead of the upcoming revolution.

Can you go into more detail about that Set and its strategy?

From what we are seeing — macro indicators — news feed and risk appetite (VIX) are still playing a huge role on wherever a « liquid » digital asset like eth goes south or north. There is also a real correlation with US and China’s stock market such the S&P500 and SSE Comp Index — will change overtime with adoption but this is still a reality.

As of today we will rely heavily on those signals to assess our exposure to assets

Right now Decentralized Finance is mostly composed of collateralized lending, exchanges, and yield farming. How do you see this spreading to the end user?

We are expecting a massive surge in synthetic assets and asset insurance — it is worth mentioning that UMA and Synthetix as amazing project in the space. Through such platforms, any user will be able to offer their assets, of any kind, as collateral to further liquidity. SMEs will be able to offer their balance sheet items in the same respect in return for a reward, restructuring the system of finance we know today. Centrifuge, another platform, is accelerating developments with sights to release such ambitions. For Tokenset, we anticipate a strong surge in the numbers of sets and assets available to your traders.

Decentralised Finance relies on blockchain technology. Decentralised regulation, whitelisting functionality, and Smart-Contract utility are some of the key features that a decentralised ledger offers, which enables process automation, opening an avenue to minimise compliance costs. Such utility would catapult the sector from a Problem Child to a Star. Simplicity, automated compliance, and profitability would open the doors to mass adoption. Such a collaboration would give rise revolutionary products and services, attracting profitability. As things stand, blockchain lacks users, a mass-appropriate UI/UX interface, and global branding. Moreover, an array of media-criticised narratives have birthed sceptical sentiments, in addition to which, regulatory compliance remains in its infancy. The above-described collaboration between the two sectors would find significantly positive synergies through the counterweight of respective strengths. This opens the market for Davoa Capital — a performance-driven investment fund.

How does the crypto industry change the traditional role of an investor in early stage businesses given you are now competing with retail?

Mergers and acquisitions between FinTech and DeFi sectors are economically inevitable. Davoa Capital identifies and recognises the value in such prospects; the project seeks to lay the foundations with a view to capitalise on such partnerships by way of income generation through plug and play services and market penetration for FinTechs and DeFi protocols, respectively. Davoa Capital is well-connected with economically-active regions of Latin America, Southeast Asia, and West Africa. Through targeted marketing and execution of product-market fit strategies, Davoa Capital will connect DeFi protocols with FinTech industries, creating a revenue path. Despite Davoa Capital’s competition with retail market, the fund finds premium value through market knowledge, analytical foresight and partnership synergies. Even though the market is open to all, financial success in the industry is heavily concentrated to those who’ve acquired a specific set of niche skill.

What we are seeing today is evident of how significant the macroeconomic factors are in determining if an asset, as liquid as Ether, goes north or south. The correlation with United State’s and China’s stock market remains evidently strong. By way of interpretation of such factors, the VIX, a sentiment indicator, is of statistical significance in finding market returns.

Where can people find you online?

Fabien Dureuil:

Davoa Capital:

Anything else you’d like to tell us or your potential followers?

Let’s build this space; let’s be part of the revolution.


We hope you enjoyed reading this interview! You can view Davoa Capital’s profile here. If you’d like to be notified of any future product updates, head here to sign up to email notifications!

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