Set Community Update #6 — December 2019

cTokens integration now live, TokenSets Weekly Market Report launched, new Sets released and much more!

Anthony Sassano
Set Labs
4 min readJan 11, 2020


Welcome to the sixth Set Community Update! In these updates, we’ll give an overview of everything that happened in the Set universe over the last month including new product releases, community and media engagements, growth metrics, partnerships, where we’ve been and more. Let’s dive in!

News and Product Releases

Introducing the TokenSets Weekly Market Report

In these weekly reports, we cover the events of the previous week including a report on Set performance and rebalance events, a brief overview of recent crypto market activity, relevant on-chain metrics, a learning section and links to resources, blog posts, podcasts and videos that caught our eye. Sign up here.

Set Protocol’s Multi-Collateral Dai Transition Plan

We published a piece outlining how we will transition some of our existing Single-Collateral Dai Sets over to Multi-Collateral Dai (and the infrastructure that goes along with it).

Introducing the ETHBTC RSI Ratio Set

The ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set implements a crossover strategy on the ETH/BTC RSI. At a high level, if the ETH/BTC ratio falls below support, ETHBTCRSI rebalances 100% ETH into BTC expecting BTC will continue outperforming ETH. Conversely, if the ETH/BTC ratio rises above resistance, the Set rebalances into ETH expecting ETH will continue to break out against BTC.

Introducing cTokens on TokenSets

We announced the integration of Compound Tokens (cTokens) and the launch of the first cToken enabled Set — the ETH RSI 60/40 Yield Set — last month on TokenSets.

Introducing ETH 20 Day MA Crossover Yield Set on TokenSets

The ETHMACOAPY Set supercharges our existing ETH20SMACO Set by swapping out USDC for cUSDC — an interest-bearing stablecoin. This means that when ETHMACOAPY is positioned in the stable asset, it’s generating interest via the Compound money market protocol!

Pay with Dai Enabled on TokenSets

You can now mint and sell Sets using both Sai and Dai on TokenSets. Eventually, the Maker Single-Collateral Dai (Sai) system will be completely shutdown and at that time we will disable the ability to mint and sell Sets using Sai.

Set in the Media

Set made various appearances in the media over the last month:


The Set Protocol Vault grew modestly in December due to the out-performance of all of the Sets listed on TokenSets. It increased from ~$1.4mil to ~$1.8mil.

Set Protocols Vault balance changes as measured in USD over the month of December

Set Protocol’s unique addresses had a moderate increase from 1419 to 1575.

Set Protocol’s unique address growth for December

We celebrated a special occasion last month — all of the Set’s on TokenSets were up against ETH on December 18th!

Interesting Tweets

Community Builders

Various community members built products on or around Set Protocol last month:

  • DeFi Prime integrated TokenSets into their portfolio tracker
  • Zerion’s Android app includes TokenSets integration

Events and Community Engagements

Anthony spent some time in San Francisco last month as we’ve been in crunch mode working on Set Social Trading (which goes live later this month)!

We also took a break from the work to do some team building exercises — one of those was doing The Roosevelt Escape Room! It was a blast and we managed to finish the room in record time.

We’re Hiring!

We’re currently looking for passionate Software Engineers to aid us in our goal of building open financial products for the world. If this sounds like an opportunity that you’re interested in, you can check out the roles on our new careers page here.

We’re also looking for additional market makers to participate in our Set rebalances. If this sounds like something you or your team are interested in, please send an email to

Learn more about Set and join our community

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