Set Protocol ETHSanFrancisco Recap

Felix Feng
Set Labs
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2018

This past weekend, the Set Protocol team was proud to attend and sponsor ETHSanFrancisco. We came away impressed by the enthusiasm and quality of projects that came out of the hackathon, especially those built using the Set Developer Platform.

The team kicked off the weekend with a midnight workshop and demo introducing Set’s development tools, and over the course of the next few days, assisted teams every step of the way at our booth. At the conclusion of ETHSF, we awarded $3,000 in total to the 3 best teams that incorporated Set Protocol in their submissions, which are:

Link Set

An app that combines Set’s rebalancing functionality with Chainlink’s oracle price data. We were impressed by the project creating the first fully trustless rebalancing Set without the need for an intermediary needed in traditional Index funds and ETFs.

Link Set Team


A platform for buying and selling Sets of dYdX futures and Augur predictions using the 0x relayer. The project showed the potential for Set to be combined with other decentralized finance protocols to create even more powerful applications.

Primotif Team


Charitable Autonomous Organization is a platform that hands out bundles of aid. The project highlighted an important non-financial use case for using Sets in nonprofit settings and charitable remittances.

CAO Team

Congratulations again to the winners! We were impressed with all the submissions and make sure to check out all the projects built using Set on Devpost.

What’s Next

We are working hard to incorporate everyone’s feedback into improving our documentation and preparing for launch on mainnet early next year. Looking forward, Set Protocol will be attending ETHSingapore and DeFi Prague, so make sure to stop by and say hello if you will be there!

If you have any questions, start a conversation with our team any time on Telegram. Also, if you find what we’re doing exciting, we’re hiring. Check out our openings here.

Interested in learning more about Set Protocol? Check out:

Thank you Richard Liang for authoring this post.



Felix Feng
Set Labs

Founder of Set. Investor @TuringCap. Previously @Radius & B.S. @UCBerkeley