April Book Roundup

How you can figure out everything, have your best year ever, and master the miracle equation

Jana Van der Veer
Set Your Muse on Fire!


Austin Distel for Unsplash

I had a very nonfiction-heavy month overall; I am in the middle of another fiction book that I may finish by the end of the week but the two novels I’ve been reading are long — 477 and 502 pages, respectively — so I’ll cut myself a little slack. It’s not about seeing how many books I can cram into a month anyway.


Everything Is Figureoutable — Marie Forleo. I liked this book, although in the past I’ve found Marie’s style to be a little too rah-rah, you go girl! for my taste. The title is her mantra, and it pretty much explains the book in a nutshell: you can figure out how to make anything happen if you want it badly enough, and are willing to give up your excuses and work for it. Nothing new that we haven’t read in a hundred other personal development books, but her voice carries the lessons with conviction, and she might be just the person to inspire you.

Your Best Year EverMichael Hyatt. Another book about taking action on your dreams. Nothing earth-shattering here, although he’s a guru of the personal development movement. Uncover the beliefs that shape your reality, embrace gratitude, figure out how to engineer your habits to achieve your goals, discover your Why…



Jana Van der Veer
Set Your Muse on Fire!

Writing coach helping writers to develop craft and overcome fear, procrastination, and self-doubt. Ultimate Accountability Program: www.setyourmuseonfire.com