Miss Elizabeth: A Queen in Her Own Right

Seth Hendricks
Seth Hendricks
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2016
Photo Credit: Momma!

Furrowed deep into the pillow, her black and white hair would swallow your head as though she were your winter stocking cap.

Despite her persistence on smothering you while you sleep, you couldn’t help but show her nothing but love and kindness.

From the day she gingerly trotted into your life, you’ve never been able to say, “no.” Whether to her loving purr, spiteful hiss or complete indifference toward you at times, you would never turn her away.

For nearly two decades she was your shadow when you were home and your sleeping security system when you weren’t.

She turned your house to a home, she left you reminders of her love in the form of fine grade strands of hair and most of all, her loyalty to you was deeper than most humans can fathom.

Although you’ll no longer be able to feel her the gentle touch of her head as you stand in the kitchen, lay on the couch or sit on the throne in the bathroom, you can most certainly feel her love run through your heart.

Everywhere you go, she will be by your side. Everyday you return home after a long day of work, she will be waiting on the floor. Every trip down the hall, every stroll around the yard, every afternoon nap in the sunshine, Miss Elizabeth will be there with you, for you two have worked endlessly over the previous 19 years to build a memory bank to last through eternity.

Rest peacefully, kitty cat. Your mother loves and misses you dearly.

