My Life- in 3 paragraphs

Seth Hendricks
Seth Hendricks
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2016

While driving down the road through my hometown, a place I haven’t been for several months, I couldn’t help but drift back to my childhood. I looked to the beautiful sky with billowing white clouds that perfectly offset the deep blue ceiling over the city and quickly became lost. I stared deeply as though I was on a first date with the woman of my dreams- taking it all in. At a certain point, I was simply trapped but not wanting to escape as I somewhat blindly flowed with traffic.

With every new scent, I was taken back. Each view gifted me another memory. At one moment I was jumping in a pile of leaves my dad had just finished raking. The next I was running through the neighborhood playing flashlight tag late into the dark summer night. This continued for several moments as I quickly worked my way from elementary school, into the fifth grade and right through high school graduation. Reliving the greatest times from my childhood. Growing up with my best friends. It was nostalgia at its best. A good dose I might say. Enough to help remember my roots an how I got started on this journey of life in pursuit of something great. While driving down the road through my hometown, a place I haven’t been for several months, I couldn’t help but drift back to my childhood. I looked to the beautiful sky with billowing white clouds that perfectly offset the deep blue ceiling over the city and quickly became lost. I starred deeply as though I was on a first date with the woman of my dreams- taking it all in. At a certain point, I was simply trapped but not wanting to escape as I somewhat blindly flowed with traffic.

At times I miss home. Being here for only a few hours has been great. I often think of what would be if I had not moved and how comfortable of a lifestyle I would have. We had a glorious house that we loved and were personalizing it by the day. Our family and friend network spread like tree roots. We truly had a really good life. This isn’t to say ours is bad now but it most certainly is different. That’s why when those memories started to creep back to mind and my emotions started pulling me back home, I had to remember my big picture. For a period of time, this means slight discomfort. It means taking me out of what I know and putting me in a place of absolute unknown. It requires me to live in a place where my furthest memory back, is 24 months. It means moving backwards in the short term to increase the distance to be traveled in the future. This hasn’t been easy, especially recently, but in the end, it will most definitely be worth it.

